
  • 网络Thailand Coup
  1. 泰国军事政变已经过去了一年,但政治不确定性仍在影响着该国经济。

    A year on from the military coup in Thailand , the political uncertainty is continuing to drag on the economy .

  2. 美国经济已在减速,而各国金融市场已自满到危险地步,其中的主要原因在于,去年的种种问题,从Amaranth对冲基金的倒闭到泰国的军事政变,都未能引发多少风浪。

    The US is already slowing , while financial markets everywhere have grown dangerously complacent . Not least , that is because last year 's problems , from Amaranth 's collapse to Thailand 's military coup , failed to cause much of a ripple .

  3. 泰国的军事政变就像美国的总统大选一样频繁。

    Military coups in Thailand happen almost as often as American presidential elections .

  4. 由于泰国军方发动政变,五角大楼正在考虑其提供给泰国的军事援助。

    The Pentagon is considering the military assistance that provides Tailand , led by a coup of Thai military .

  5. 上周二晚些时候,泰国发生军事政变,但未引起任何暴力事件,曼谷市民还向驻扎在曼谷周围的士兵们送去了食物和鲜花。

    The coup late Tuesday passed off without violence and people living in Bangkok have given food and flowers to soldiers posted around the capital .

  6. 2014年5月,泰国发生军事政变,后来该国一直由军政府统治。军中领袖重振经济的举措一直不奏效,已承诺明年恢复民主选举。泰国是个严重依赖出口的国家。

    Thailand has been ruled by a junta since a May 2014 coup and the generals have struggled to revive the export-dependent economy , while promising to restore democracy with an election next year .

  7. 在泰国,自军事政变驱逐了泰国前总理兼电信大亨他信西那瓦(thaksinshinawatra)以来,中国电信设备集团华为科技(huaweitechnologies)便陷入了困境。

    In Thailand , Huawei Technologies , the Chinese telecoms group , has run into difficulties since the military coup that ousted Thaksin Shinawatra , the former Prime Minister and Telecommunications mogul .

  8. 泰国是东南亚最大的基金市场。过去12个月,尽管泰国发生了军事政变,而且本土股市受到临时强制资本管制措施的冲击,流入该国国内基金的资金仍超过了流出资金。

    Thailand , south-east Asia 's biggest mutual fund market , has seen net inflows into domestic funds in the past 12 months , despite last year 's military coup and the temporary imposition of capital controls that shocked the local equity market .