
  • 网络Luzhou;luzhou city
  1. 泸州市自愿戒毒者HIV、HCV和梅毒感染分析

    HIV , HCV and Syphilis Infection Among Drug Users in Luzhou City

  2. Ames试验在泸州市饮水致突变性检测中的应用

    Application of Ames test to detect the mutagenicity of drinking water in Luzhou City

  3. 泸州市法治环境分析

    Talking about the environment of Rule by Law in Luzhou city

  4. 泸州市区域环境噪声监测优化布点

    Optimum selective locale method on regional environmental noise monitoring in Luzhou

  5. 目的:为了检测泸州市饮水氯化消毒副产物的致突变性。

    Objective : To detect the mutagenicity of by-product of chlorinated water .

  6. 泸州市沱江三桥桥型方案选择

    Selection of Bridge Type Options of No.3 TuoJiang Bridge in Luzhou City

  7. 泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

    Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou

  8. 泸州市1999~2008年梅毒流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Syphilis in Luzhou from 1999 to 2008

  9. 泸州市环境空气质量状况及评价

    Status and Assessment of Atmospheric Quality of Luzhou City

  10. 泸州市江阳区2008年乙脑趋势分析及对策

    Jiang Yangqu Luzhou City in 2008 trend analysis and Countermeasures Japanese encephalitis views

  11. 泸州市中学教师职业压力源研究

    The Study of Middle School Teachers ' Occupation Pressure Source in LuZhou District

  12. 泸州市乡镇卫生院健康教育工作情况分析

    Status of work of health education in villages and towns hospitals in Luzhou city

  13. 综合以上几个方面的成果,对泸州市地表水域功能进行区划。

    This text zone the surface water in Luzhou City on the above results .

  14. 四川泸州市隐翅虫皮炎病变的观察及虫种鉴定&附67例临床病例分析

    Dermatitis caused by paederus peregrinus and its pathological features-with analysis of 67 clinical cases

  15. 泸州市报恩塔文化广场环境景观设计

    The Environment Landscape Design of Cultural Plaza

  16. 泸州市中学教师继续教育校本培训分层实施研究

    The Stratified Implementation Research into Continual Education Inner-school Training of Middle School Teachers in Luzhou City

  17. 它是泸州市卫生局直属二级甲等综合性非营利性公立医院。

    It is attached directly Luzhou City Health Bureau , a comprehensive A-level non-profit public hospital .

  18. 泸州市城市空气自然降尘和硫酸盐化速率的探讨

    Discussion on Natural Precipitated Particles and Sulph ate Rate of Air in the Urban Area of Luzhou

  19. 事故于周六下午发生在泸州市泸县桃子沟煤矿。

    The accident occurred Saturday afternoon in Taozigou coal mine , Luxian County in the city of Luzhou .

  20. 泸州市已婚育龄妇女生育、节育现况研究

    Prevalence study of fertility status and birth control among the married women at childbearing age in Luzhou City

  21. 本文采用荧光分析法测定了泸州市107例(男性54例;女性53例)健康成人头发中硒的含量。

    Fluorescence analysis was used to determine the hair Selenium content in 107 adults ( 54 male ; 53 female ) in Luzhou City .

  22. 泸州市地氟病区降氟炉灶合格使用及影响因素调查

    Survey on Correct Use of Transforming Kitchen Stoves for Reducing Fluoride Level and Its Influential Factors in Coal-burning Endemic Fluorosis Areas in Luzhou City

  23. 改革开放以来,泸州市的旅游业从无到有,由弱渐强,取得了长足进展。

    Since the reform and opening up , tourism in Luzhou has developed from nothing to rather strong and it has gained a full-grown growth .

  24. 进行泸州市旅游特征分析,包括泸州市旅游特征的总体分析、景观质量评价、客源市场特征分析。

    Analyzing the characteristics of Luzhou tourism , comprising integral analysis , quality evaluation of the sights , and tourist source characteristics analysis . 3 .

  25. 根据泸州市1994年~1998年环境大气监测数据,对全市环境大气质量,状况进行分析和评价。

    According to the monitoring data of ambient air ( 1994 1998 ), analyse and assess the air quality of Luzhou city , Sichuan Province .

  26. 用综合评价法研究泸州市城乡基本公共服务均等化水平和趋势。

    This paper using the comprehensive evaluation method to study the equalization of basic public service level and trend of urban and rural areas of Luzhou .

  27. 进行泸州市旅游业发展战略的支撑体系设计,包括对政策支撑体系、资源保护体系、资金保障和融资渠道的探讨。

    Designing the supporting system of development strategy of Luzhou tourism , comprising policy supporting system , resource protecting system , fund guarantee and financing channels .

  28. 但是同我国中小企业发展的总体水平相比,泸州市中小企业的发展严重滞后,未能发挥其快速推动地方经济发展的作用。

    However , compared with the general development level of SMEs in other cities , SMEs in Luzhou have been seriously lagged behind in promoting local economic development .

  29. 国外支柱产业发展中的金融支持模式有政府主导型金融模式和市场主导型金融模式,典型代表分别是日本和美国。第三章:泸州市支柱产业&酒业的发展状况分析。

    There are two financial support models in the foreign countries : government-based financial model and market-based financial model . Chapter ⅲ: Analysis of the development of Luzhou pillar industry-wine industry .

  30. 本文将从以下三个方面进行论述:第一部分,泸州市的区位优势及在四川省的经济地位。中小企业在泸州经济社会发展的作用及其现状研究。

    The article tries to discuss the matter from the following three aspects . The first part focuses on the geographic and economic advantages of Luzhou in Sichuan and the effect of SMEs .