
  • 网络tachisme
  1. 近代的张大千创立了泼彩山水写意画。

    Latter-day , Zhang Daqian Institute splash ink landscape .

  2. 后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,开创了新的艺术风格。

    After living abroad , style , life and work to write , especially with the ink spilt choi , create splash-ink new artistic style .

  3. 深红、浅白、淡紫,湿漉漉洇在春雨蒙蒙的绿树丛林中,如水墨画家的泼彩点染。

    Dark red , plain , lilacinus , wet spring melt in the misty jungle of trees , such as the family poured ink stipple rendering color .

  4. 第七章做为文章的最后一章,把对花山岩画的思索与启示进行了归结、延伸性的实践探索,并具体体现于民族装饰绘画与研究、现代水墨与泼彩的相关绘画创作中。

    In Chapter 7 , the author summarizes the reflection on and revelation from the Flower Mountain petroglyphs , and explores practically and tentatively by embodying the summarization in the related ethnic decoration painting and modern ink painting and sprinkling .