
  • 网络Zeller;Alexandre Zeller;Tyler Zeller
  1. 泽勒是烟草制品中心(CenterforTobaccoProducts)主任,这个食品与药品管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)下属机构,是国会2009年——终于!——立法授予FDA香烟管制权后成立的。

    Zeller is the director of the Center for Tobacco Products , a division of the Food and Drug Administration created in 2009 when Congress passed legislation giving the F.D.A. regulatory authority - at long last ! - over cigarettes .

  2. 泽勒在FDA内部已经开始跟“房子那一头的人”——负责药物监管的部门——讨论制定一个全面的、各部门统一的尼古丁政策。

    Within the F.D.A. , Zeller has initiated discussions with " the other side of the house " - the part of the agency that regulates drugs - to come up with a comprehensive , agency-wide policy on nicotine .

  3. 泽勒是参加过1990年代“烟草战争”的老兵,辅佐当时的FDA局长戴维·凯斯勒(DavidKessler),后者曾甘冒大不韪将香烟称为“药物递送装置”(药物指的是尼古丁),并为此声称自己拥有监管权。

    Zeller is a veteran of the " tobacco wars " of the 1990s , working alongside then-F.D.A. Commissioner David Kessler , who had audaciously labeled cigarettes a " drug-delivery device " ( the drug being nicotine ) and had claimed regulatory authority .

  4. 我喜欢引用迈克尔·拉塞尔(MichaelRussell)的话,泽勒说,这位南非著名烟草科学家已于2009年去世,他在1970年代初提出尼古丁是人对香烟上瘾的原因,是这一理论的先驱之一。

    I am fond of quoting Michael Russell , Zeller said , referring to an important South African tobacco scientist who died in 2009 . In the early 1970s , Russell was among the first to recognize that nicotine was the reason people got addicted to cigarettes .

  5. 你还要就这件事继续质疑我吗,泽勒

    You gonna continue to question me on this , Z ?

  6. 泽勒表示:德国机械工程公司正在迅速丢失市场份额。

    German machinery and engineering companies are rapidly losing market share .

  7. 要泽勒、卡兹和吉米·普莱斯。

    I want Zeller , Katz , and Jimmy Price .

  8. 尼古丁和烟尘颗粒在一起,可以致命,泽勒说。

    When nicotine is attached to smoke particles , it will kill , said Zeller .

  9. 在泽勒取代他之前,霍华德将会推动他们达到这个理论上的极限。

    Howard will nudge them toward that theoretical limit - at least until Zeller leapfrogs him .

  10. 泽勒想把从霍布斯身上取下的子弹装在丙烯酸塑料盒里给你,

    Zeller wanted to give you the bullets he pulled out of Hobbs in an acrylic case ,

  11. 他说过,‘致人抽烟的是尼古丁,致人死亡的是焦油,’泽勒说。

    He used to say , ' People smoke for the nicotine but die from the tar ,' Zeller recalled .

  12. 这也是为什么当市场上刚出现电子烟的时候,泽勒会说这是个“有意思的”东西。

    This is also why Zeller found e-cigarettes so " interesting , " as he put it , when they first came on the market .

  13. 泽勒表示,那项声明是根据瑞士联邦检察署提供的信息作出的,而该机构是在一家黎巴嫩银行通风报信后采取相应行动的。

    Mr Zeller said that the statement was based on information from the Swiss federal prosecutor , which acted after a tip-off from a Lebanese bank .

  14. 纳粹德国的地方长官泽勒先生要求他们说出,既然德奥合并了,为什么他们没有升起第三帝国的国旗。

    Herr Zeller , the Gauleiter , demands to know why they are not flying the flag of the Third Reich now that the Anschluss has occurred .

  15. 这并不表示泽勒相信尼古丁是绝对安全的(他不这么认为),或者我们不需要把青少年吸电子烟太当回事。

    It 's not that Zeller believes nicotine is perfectly safe ( he doesn 't ) or that we should shrug our shoulders if teenagers take up vaping .

  16. 在向泽勒提出采访请求的时候,我并不指望他会透露自己希望中心该走哪条路,他也确实没说。

    When I requested an interview with Zeller , I didn 't expect him to tip his hat on which direction he wanted the center to go , and he didn 't.

  17. 东区艾泽勒,默克公司的发言人,表示该公司没有向移动一个大口腔癌的研究提前“由于竞争的研究和业务优先级。”

    Pamela Eisele , a spokeswoman for Merck , said the company decided not to move ahead with a big oral cancer study " due to competing research and business priorities . "