
  1. 这种牙膏洁齿清气。

    To work the jaws and teeth vigorously .

  2. 淡斜绿泥石属层状硅酸盐矿物,片状形态,硬度比方解石低,做牙膏的磨擦剂显然优于方解石。它不仅对牙齿磨损小,而且具有洁齿、护齿性能。

    So it is obviously better than calcite for toothpaste polish because of its lower wear and tear .

  3. 洁齿线:一种上蜡或未上蜡的用于去除牙齿上的食物残碴和牙斑的线。

    Dental floss : a waxed or unwaxed thread used to remove food particles and plaque from the teeth .

  4. 以冷杉精油为香原料,生产出泡沫丰富、洁齿力强、香甜爽口、清淡高雅,并具有杀菌消炎等保健功能的冷杉牙膏。

    Tooth paste made of fir essential oil is rich in foam , has favorable flavor and functions of disinfecting and sterilizing .

  5. 苹果还有牙刷作用,洁齿和杀灭口腔细菌,减少龋齿的危险。

    Apples also act as a toothbrush , cleaning teeth and killing bacteria in the mouth , which may reduce the risk of tooth decay .

  6. 二氧化硅作为牙膏磨擦剂具有洁齿能力强、物理性能好、化学性质稳定、与牙膏膏体中其它配料的相容性好的优点。

    As an abrasive agent , it has the advantages of strong ability of cleaning teeth , good physical and chemical properties and good compatibility with other ingredients .

  7. 牙粉(膏)用于洁齿的物质,例如牙膏或牙粉雕刻和模型制品制模膏(不包括齿板条状,马足状的牙蜡)

    A substance , such as a paste or powder , for cleaning the teeth . modelling paste carved or moulded articles of ( excl. plates , horseshoe shapes or sticks , of dental wax )