
  1. 上海洋山港区物流通道与运作模式

    Logistics channels and operating pattern of Yangshan terminals in Shanghai port

  2. 上海洋山港区的自然条件及泥沙来源分析

    Analysis of Natural Conditions and Sediment Source of Shanghai Yangshan Harbor Area

  3. 上海洋山港区一期工程潮流模型试验研究

    Study on the Tide Model for the First Phase Project of the Yangshan Harbor

  4. 上海洋山港区固定断面实测水深资料分析

    Data Analysis of Water Depth Measured at Fixed Sections in Shanghai Yangshan Harbor Area

  5. 上海洋山港区和进港航道水域泥沙特性及回淤分析研究

    Sediment Characteristics and Siltation Analyses of Shanghai Yangshan Harbor and Its Approach Channel Waters

  6. 振冲技术在洋山港区地基处理工程中的试验与应用

    The Application of the Vibration Technology in the Foundation Engineering of the Yangshan Port Area

  7. 洋山港区一期工程港池水域水文泥沙分析

    Analysis of Hydrographic and Sediment in the Basin of the First Phase Project of Yangshan Harbor

  8. 最后简要介绍了洋山港区遥感影像系统的整体架构。

    In the end , a structure of remote sensing data management system of Yangshan Harbor area is introduced .

  9. 本文主要就洋山港区一期集装箱码头的装卸工艺进行研究,在全面收集洋山港建设的主要工程、技术、经济分析等相关资料的基础上,简洁系统地介绍洋山港集装箱码头的基本情况。

    In the base of information collection , Discourse study handling technology in yangshan container terminal of the first phase . At one time .

  10. 通过上海洋山港区一期工程高性能混凝土的施工,总结了高性能混凝土施工质量控制措施。

    Based on the construction of high-performance concrete in Shanghai Yangshan Port Phase I Project , this paper summarizes the quality control measures for high-performance concrete construction .

  11. 拟建中的上海国际航运中心洋山港区是第五、第六代集装箱的运输基地,其一期工程方案的布置关系到该港区的命运。

    Yangshan Harbor Area of Shanghai International Shipping Center proposed to set-up is a container transport base of fhe fifth or sixth generation and the layout of the First Phase Project is vital to the harbor area .

  12. 采取的方法主要是城市空间理论分析、实证分析以及定量分析,其中定量分析集中在运用投入产出模型对洋山港区的经济贡献量进行计算,从而从数据方面也证实了港口与区域的发展关系。

    The methods used are theory analysis of city economy , example analysis and also the data analysis , and the last one focuses on the input-output model main in the calculation of the contribution value which is taken by YangShan Port .

  13. 本文通过疏浚土吹填泥沙输移扩散二维潮流数学模型,对洋山港区一期工程疏浚土吹填泥沙的起步工程方案进行了模拟计算。

    By way of the two dimentional tidal current numerical model of transportation and spread of mud and sand from dredged spoil , the original project option of filling mud and sand from dredged spoil for the first phase of Yangshan Harbour District has been simulated and calculated .

  14. 上海洋山深水港区水文泥沙特征分析

    Analysis on Hydrological and Sediment Characteristics in Shanghai Yangshan Deepwater Harbor Area

  15. 洋山深水港区前沿施工期强淤分析

    Analysis of rapid deposition in construction period of Yangshan Deep-water Harbor Area

  16. 洋山深水港区深厚吹填砂地基工后沉降分析

    Analysis of post-construction settlement of thick backfill sand foundation in Yangshan Deepwater seaport

  17. 洋山深水港区一期工程航道设计简介

    Yangshan Deepwater Port Area Phase I Project Waterway Design

  18. 柔性防护技术在洋山深水港区生态恢复中的应用

    Application of Flexible Protective Technology in Ecological Recovery of Yangshan Deep Water Harbor

  19. 上海洋山深水港区海域的泥沙环境特征

    Silt characteristic of Yangshan deep-water harbor in shanghai

  20. 洋山深水港区进港海堤变形观测及分析

    Deformation Observation and Analysis for Entrance Sea Wall of Yangshan Depth Water Harbour Area

  21. 洋山深水港区一期工程深水裸露基岩嵌岩桩施工技术

    Technique to Construct Piles Socketed in Deep-water Bare Bedrock for Phase I of Yangshan Deep-water Port

  22. 陈戌源是上海国际港务集团董事长,这家公司负责管理洋山深水港区。

    Chen Xuyuan is director of the Shanghai International Port group , which runs the Yangshan deep water area .

  23. 概述上海国际航运中心洋山深水港区主航道的水文泥沙条件。

    This paper summarizes the hydrological conditions and sedimentation status of the main navigation channel of the Yangshan Deepwater Port .

  24. 洋山深水港区土程陆域系大面积高填土形成,工程周期短。

    The landside area of the Yangshan deep water port is consisted of large-area high fill soil which is short period project .

  25. 上海洋山深水港区西港区规划方案潮流泥沙物理模型试验研究

    Tidal current and sediment physical model test study on regulation project of west port area in Yangshan deep water port area , Shanghai

  26. 洋山深水港区地处自然条件复杂的岛屿海域,多条主要航路交叉,其通航环境具有显著的特征。

    Located at the island sea area with complicated natural conditions and several cross fairways , Yangshan deepwater port has its own remarkable characteristics in navigation circumstance .

  27. 离岸账户(洋山保税港区):允许企业开设离岸账户,为其境外业务提供资金结算便利。

    Offshore Account ( Yangshan Free Trade Port Area ): Enterprises in YSFTPA can open offshore account in the bank inside YSFTPA for payment settlement of oversea business .

  28. 我国第一个保税港区是2005年设立的上海洋山保税港区,是国务院顺应国际、国内经济形势,运用区港联动政策的成果、参照国外成功经验而设立的。

    Yangshan Bonded Port in Shanghai is the first bonded port of China , which was established by the state council in 2005 under the international and domestic economic situation , complying with the " Zone-port Interaction " policy and referring to the successful experiences abroad .

  29. 如今上海港已成为世界第一大货运港和第三大世界集装箱港口,并已建成了洋山深水港区一期工程,于2005年12月投产营运,着力打造上海国际航运中心。

    Now Port of Shanghai has become the world largest freight transportation port and the third largest world container port , And has completed the first step project of Yangshan deepwater port , which began to work from February of 2005 in order to develop the Shanghai international shipping center .

  30. 作为上海国际航运中心的核心,上海洋山国际集装箱枢纽港区的建设将对其周边地区&上海(杭州湾北岸)滨海地区的城市化与产业化发展产生重大的影响。

    As the core of Shanghai International Shipping Center ( SISC ), the construction of the Yangshan Deeper Harbor ( YDH ) will impact the urbanization and industrialization of the Shanghai Maritime Area ( SMA ) greatly .