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yáng xiàng
  • blunder;silly sight;awkward behaviour;cut a poor figure
洋相 [yáng xiàng]
  • [cut a poor figure;blunder] 逗人发笑的怪样子

洋相[yáng xiàng]
  1. 他在上周末的会议上出了洋相,狼狈不堪。

    He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend .

  2. 伦纳德正在学习德语,他出的洋相让她哈哈大笑。

    Leonard was working at his German . His mistakes made her laugh

  3. 他在大庭广众中大出洋相。

    He cut a poor figure on a public occasion .

  4. 他在网球场上使我大出洋相。

    He made a monkey of me on the tennis court .

  5. 她喜欢想尽办法出别人的洋相。

    She enjoys trying to score off other people .

  6. 他出的洋相真令人喷饭。

    The exhibition he had made of himself was enough to make you choke with laughter .

  7. 詹尼佛很聪明、机灵,而阿曼达爱出洋相,有点不拘小节。

    Jennifer was the smart , intelligent one . Amanda was the fun-loving , kind of sluttish one .

  8. 之所以出现这个洋相,是因为语音助理把问题传送给了沃尔夫勒姆a数学搜索引擎(WolframAlpha)——另一家公司运营的“计算式知识搜索引擎”。

    The gaffe happened because Siri passed the question to Wolfram Alpha , a " computational knowledge engine " operated by another company .

  9. 罗斯发现钱德同送披萨的女孩(Caitlin)调情,他决定学样,结果大出洋相。

    Ross sees Chandler flirting with the pizza girl ( Caitlin ) and decides he 's going to turn on the charm as well , with disasterous results .

  10. 我在会上真出了洋相了。

    I made a real ass of myself at the meeting .

  11. 她让我在警长选举上出洋相

    She made a fool of me in the election .

  12. 请别在这样的公共场所发脾气出洋相。

    Please don 't make a scene in such a puBlic place .

  13. 妈妈说:本尼啊,现在是谁出了洋相?

    Mum said , whos looking foolish now , Benny ?

  14. 哈罗德快速计算他出洋相的可能性。

    Harold quickly calculated the odds of making an ass of himself .

  15. 昨晚的晚会上我出了洋相。

    I made an ass of myself at the party last night .

  16. 他喝醉酒后出尽了洋相。

    He made rather a spectacle of himself when he was drunk .

  17. 他喝多了就哭鼻子。他在婚礼上喝多了,出了洋相。

    He got drunk and disgraced himself at the wedding .

  18. 当人家要他示范操作这台新机器时,他毫无办法,出足洋相。

    He blundered on hopelessly , when asked to demonstrate the new machine .

  19. 你可能会出洋相的。

    You might be making a fool of yourself .

  20. 他不喜欢我,老是出我的洋相。

    He doesn 't like me ; he 's always doing me down .

  21. 爸爸下午就是因为这个才出洋相的吗

    Is this why Father made such a moment of himself this afternoon ?

  22. 我出尽了洋相。

    What a fool I have made of myself .

  23. 谢谢你,多亏你我才没出洋相。

    Thank you ; you saved me from making a fool of myself .

  24. 我喝酒过多出了洋相。

    I disgraced myself by drinking far too much .

  25. 不要在公众场合大喊大叫。那样太出洋相。

    Stop yelling in public ! You 're making a fool of yourself .

  26. 她看到了我脸朝下摔倒在地,我觉得自己出足了洋相。

    She saw me fall flat on my face-i feel such a fool .

  27. 他在宴会上出了点洋相。

    He made a bit of an ass of himself at the party .

  28. 他出过的洋相,比艾森豪威尔以后的任何一位总统都多。

    He accumulated egg on his face thicker than any president since eisenhower .

  29. 住手吧!你想大出洋相吗?

    Stop it ! Are you going to make a fool of yourself ?

  30. 我被灌得酩酊大醉。他喝得酩酊大醉,在俱乐部大出洋相。

    He got drunk and made a spectacle of himself in the club .