
  • 网络tank washing;tank cleaning
  1. 为了保证洗舱海水能达到足够的温度,洗舱加热器的选型设计显得非常重要。

    The type and capacity choice of sea water washing heater is very important to guarantee the tank washing sea water reaching enough temperature .

  2. 热油洗舱加热系统的优化设计研究

    Study on Optimum Design of Tank Washing System Heated with Thermal Oil

  3. 目的比较CO中毒高压氧治疗病人,不同洗舱方法的治疗效果。

    Objective compare with the therapeutic efficacy use different methods to wash cabin for CO toxicosis patients of hyperbaric oxygen treatment .

  4. 基于模糊FMEA的FPSO原油洗舱惰性气体控制系统安全评估

    Safety Assessment on the Control System of Inert Gas Plant during FPSO COW Based on Fuzzy-FMEA

  5. SBR-COR工艺在港口洗舱化学品废水处理中的应用

    Application of SBR COR for Chemical Wastewater Treatment in Harbor Cabin Washing

  6. 文章介绍了当采用IGS惰性气体系统和COW原油洗舱的措施之后,可有效地防止或减少静电产生的危害。

    He states in the article that after taking the measures to wash tankers with " IGS " inert gas and " COW " crude oil , the damage caused by static electricity can be effectively prevented or lessened .

  7. 以FPSO海洋石油111利用生产水清洗生产水舱和清洗货油舱的实践为基础,探讨了如何利用FPSO丰富的高温生产水资源和FPSO舱室设计特点来进行洗舱的问题。

    The Disquisition is Based on Practice of Cargo Tank Washing With Production Water on " Hai Yang Shi You 111 ", The main point is discussing how to washing the Cargo tanks with the abundant high temperature Production Water on New design FPSO .

  8. 将高压氧组大鼠置于实验舱内,纯氧洗舱5min,升压5min至0.1MPa后稳压,吸纯氧45min,减压10min。

    The rats in the HBO group were placed in experimental animal chamber . After 5-minute wash by pure oxygen , the pressure of oxygen cabins was increased to 0.1 MPa in 5 minutes and kept stable for 45 minutes , then decreased to ambient level within 10 minutes .

  9. 纯氧舱不同洗舱方法对煤气中毒病人效果比较

    Comparation of CO toxicosis patients with different methods to wash cabin

  10. 高粘度原油洗舱的研究

    A Study of Tank Washing With High Viscosity Crude Oil

  11. 油轮洗舱污水处理工艺的设计研究

    The Design and Research of Hold Cleaning Sewage Treatment Technology for Tankers

  12. 混凝-臭氧-曝气生物滤池处理港口洗舱废水的中试研究

    Treatment of harbor cabin-washing wastewater in Pilot plant by coagulation-oxidization-biological aerated filter process

  13. 洗舱包括水洗舱、化学洗舱和原油洗舱。

    Washing , including water washing , chemical washing and crude oil washing .

  14. 生化法处理港口化学品洗舱废水试验研究

    On the Treatment of Washing Cabin Wastewater of Harbour Chemicals by Using Biological Treatment

  15. 用序批式活性污泥法处理化学品船洗舱污水的研究

    Study of Chemical Waste Water Treatment by SBR

  16. 臭氧-曝气生物滤池处理港口化学品洗舱废水

    Cabin Washing Wastewater Treatment of Port Chemicals by Biological Aerated Filter after Ozonation Oxidation

  17. 原油洗舱原油洗舱系统巴氏货油舱清洗系统

    Crude oil washing Butterworth tank cleaning system

  18. 是,原油洗舱系统正常运转。

    Yes , the COW-system is operational .

  19. 原油洗舱驱动单元可以编程吗?

    Are cow drive units programmable ?

  20. 如船计划靠码头洗舱,应回答下列问题。

    Is the ship is planning to tank clean alongside , the following questions should be answered .

  21. 油船洗舱的仿真研究

    Simulation research on tank washing

  22. 本文对各种洗舱程序进行综合分析和研究,提出新型化学品船洗舱装置造型设计和管系设计的方法。

    The paper analyses the tank washing procedures for chemical tanker and gives the methods for washing system adoption and piping design .

  23. 第三章对洗舱效果进行评估,结合射流结构参数分析,利用有限单元理论和网格划分技术以及能量守恒定律,得出合理的评估结果。

    By techniques of grid plot , grid corresponding and Energy Conservation Law , finished the simulation and the evaluation on effect of tank cleaning .

  24. 油库库区产生的污水包括油罐底水、清洗油罐水、压舱底水、洗舱排水、生活用水以及雨水等。

    The wastewater of the oil depot is generated from oil tank bottom water , bilge water , tank cleaning water , living water and the rain .

  25. 进行海水洗舱时,热油系统为货油舱及其他舱室和洗舱加热器提供热油。

    When carrying on sea water washing , the thermal oil system serves thermal oil to cargo oil tanks , other tanks and the tank washing heater .

  26. 如果船上安装原油洗舱且拟施行原油洗舱,应回答下列问题。

    If the ship is fitted with a crude oil washing ( COW ) system , and intends to crude oil wash , the following questions should be answered .

  27. 废油船未经洗舱、排污、清舱和测爆即行拆解的;生物接触氧化法处理废塑料拆解综合污水

    Dismantling a worn-out oil vessel without washing the cabins , discharging the pollutants , clearing the cabins , and conducting explosion tests ; or Biological Contact Oxidation Process for Plastic Waste Dismantling Wastewater

  28. 本文较好地地解决了油船运输中的两大问题,即原油洗舱操作的优化经济性能和油船运输事故中爆炸火灾的风险评价问题。

    This paper creatively solved two problems in oil tanker transportation : the optimized economic performance of crude oil tank-washing and the risk assessment of the explosion and fire in oil tanker transportation accidents .

  29. 根据多年的研究实践,设计研究了处理效率高、运行可靠、经济合理的油轮洗舱污水处理工艺流程;

    Based on the research practice for many years , the hold cleaning sewage treatment technological process for tankers , which has high efficiency , reliable operation and reasonable economy , was designed and researched .

  30. 散化船洗舱水接收设施配备和管理的现状及建议现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范

    The present situation concerning the outfit and management of the reception facilities for chemical tank washings and some suggestions related thereto Code for construction and acceptance of welding works of on-site equipment and industrial pipeline