
  1. 五步蛇洞深为0.7m,洞穴温度为8.7℃;

    When the cave deep is 0.7m for Agkistrodon acutus , the temperature inside cave is 8.7 ℃ .

  2. 1999&2003年,先后利用HOBO测温仪研究自然孵化巢(8个)的温度与气温间的作用机制,同时研究了有扬子鳄冬眠的洞穴温度、人工地窖温度与气温间的相互关系;

    The influence of the temperature on the natural hatch was studied by using HOBO automatic thermometer . At the same time , the interactions between air temperature and natural burrow temperature or manual burrow temperature were also studied .

  3. 结果表明,在与扬子鳄自然洞穴的温度和水分条件相似但其他条件相差很大的人工环境中冬眠的扬子鳄具有繁殖能力。

    The results show that adult Chinese Alligators had a reproductive ability when they hibernated in the artificial surroundings with similar temperature and moisture content of their natural holes while with very different other conditions of the holes .

  4. 洞穴石笋古温度研究的同位素地球化学方法

    Isotopic geochemistry methods for paleotemperature studies of cave speleothems