
jīn pǔ tiě lù
  • Jin-Pu Railway
  1. 日本帝国主义为阻止英美势力向北方发展,出兵山东,侵占济南、青岛和胶济路沿线,截断津浦铁路。

    The Japanese imperialists then occupied tsinan , the provincial capital of shantung , and cut the Tientsin-Pukow railway line to check the northward spread of British and American influence .

  2. 津浦线淮河铁路特大桥钢围堰施工中若干问题的处理办法

    Treatment of Problems Encountered in a Steel Cofferdam Construction

  3. 沿江沿海的江苏地区,先后修筑了淞沪、沪宁、苏北、津浦及陇海铁路,堪称近代全国铁路交通现代化的一个缩影。

    Along the river littoral Jiangsu , successively has built Shanghai , Shanghai-Nanjing , north Jiangsu , moist riverside and Gansu sea railroad , becomes a miniature that the whole nation railway transit modernizes at the modern times .