
  1. 渣打香港(StandardCharteredHongKong)行政总裁洪丕正(BenHung)称,该行正鼓励欧洲客户在对华贸易中使用人民币,而非美元。

    Ben Hung , chief executive of Standard Chartered Hong Kong , said the bank was encouraging European customers to use the renminbi rather than the dollar for Chinese trade .

  2. 然而洪丕正表示,中欧贸易仅在其中占十分之一左右,绝大多数份额仍然是中国内地与香港之间的贸易。

    But only about a tenth of that was accounted for by trade between China and Europe , Mr Hung said . The vast majority was still trade between China and Hong Kong .