
  1. 隐患探测技术在洪泽湖大堤渗漏检测中的应用

    Application of exploration technologies to seepage detection in the Hongze Lake embankment

  2. 行洪期间洪泽湖大堤防风浪漫溢的可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of levee overflow against wind wave of Hongze Lake at high water

  3. 洪泽湖大堤防浪柳林造林成活率低的原因分析

    Reason of the Low Survival Rate of Wave Break Willow Forest in Levee of Hongze Lake

  4. 针对洪泽湖大堤防浪柳林成活率低的问题,开展了洪泽湖大堤柳树造林试验。

    Aiming at the problems of lower survival ratio of willow on the embankment of Hongze Lake on where experiments of forestation of willow were conducted .

  5. 介绍了同位素示踪法和DB&3I型堤防管涌渗漏检测系统在洪泽湖大堤渗漏检测中的应用情况,并对两种方法的应用进行了对比。

    This paper introduces the applications of " isotope tracting method " and " DB-3 I embankment piping and leakage detecting system " to Hongze Lake Embankment , and compares the two methods .

  6. 并根据实测资料,统计分析了行洪期间各方位的大风频率,用全概率公式计算洪泽湖大堤在4种洪水位时发生漫溢的概率。

    By using of measured data , the wind frequency of occurrence at different direction in high water has been statistically analyzed , and the levee overflow probabilities of Hongze Lake at four high water level is calculated from total probability equation .

  7. 同时,根据洪泽湖大堤在行洪期间风向变化和大堤漫溢的特点,分析计算了对大堤造成威胁的7种风向时大堤在4种高水位下的漫溢概率。

    According to the variation of wind speed direction and levee overflow character of Hongze Lake at high water , the overflow probabilities of seven different direction of wing which threaten the levee at four high water level have been analyzed and computed .