
huó sāi ɡǎn
  • piston rod;piston lever
  1. 2D压缩机活塞杆密封器的改进

    An Improvement on the Sealer of Piston Rod of Type 2D Compressor

  2. 从经济的角度考虑,NEPC可用于压缩机活塞杆磨损尺寸超差修补场合,等离子弧表面淬火适用于新活塞杆局部表面强化。

    In the view of economy , NEPC can be used for repairing the wear surface of the piston rod , whereas the plasma arc surface quenching is available to strengthen the new piston rod .

  3. 减振器活塞杆UGStructures有限元分析

    Finite-element Analysis of the Piston-rod for Shock Absorber based on UG / Structures

  4. 在对带MR位移传感器的研究过程中,对起磁标尺作用的活塞杆及其加工工艺的研究是关系到MR传感器能否与电液伺服液压缸进行集成的关键所在。

    During the research of the electro-hydraulic servo cylinder with MR sensor , the author considered that the manufacture techniques of the piston rod is the crucial step of whether the electro-hydraulic servo cylinder with MR sensor can be integrated .

  5. 订货的场合,如果对活塞杆头、油缸盖的U形环的宽度、销子的直径等尺寸方面另有要求时,建议采用能够利用的本公司现有的模锻件。

    If any other requirements for piston rod head , U type ring width of cylinder lid , and diameter of pin are needed when placing an order , it is recommended to use our existing forged pieces .

  6. 化学镀Ni-P合金非晶态镀层具有硬度高、耐磨及抗蚀性能好的性能,将这一工艺用于液压缸活塞杆以替代镀铬,取得满意的效果。

    Chemical plating of Ni-P alloy uncrystalloid plating features high hardness , excellent wear-resistance and erosion-resistance . Satisfactory effect is achieved when using this process to plate piston rod of hydraulic cylinder instead of using chrome plating .

  7. 国产300MW汽轮机调节汽阀连杆机构主要由一个门杆、三个连杆和一个活塞杆组成。

    The control valve linkage of a home-made 300 MW steam turbine mainly consists of one valve stem , three links and one piston rod .

  8. 配置有高强度烤漆钢板水箱,SUS304不锈钢活塞杆及双头均可活动的高压管。

    Equipped with the steel water tank which is of high strength baking finish , stainless steel plunger ( SUS304 ) and pressure pipe with two moveable ends .

  9. 根据功率匹配原则,讨论了阀控非对称动力机构(阀控单活塞杆液压缸)的负载压力pL和负载流量QL,以供对其静动态特性研究及优化设计作参考。

    This paper discusses , according to power matching rule , the load pressure P_L and flow capacity Q_L of valve-control asymmetric actuating unit , which offers a reference to study on its kinematics and dynamic characteristics and optimum design .

  10. 本文对ZL-50装载机动臂液压缸活塞杆的疲劳强度和压杆稳定性进行了可靠性分析,并利用优化设计的方法给出了一定可靠度条件下的活塞杆尺寸。

    This paper analyzes the reliabilty of fatigue strength and compressed rod stability of a boom cylinder 's piston rod of the ZL-50 loader , and uses optimal design method to give the size of the piston rod uuder certain reliable degree conditions .

  11. 活塞杆上允许有一层薄薄油膜;

    A thin oil film is allowed on the piston stem ;

  12. 用激光全息技术进行飞机发动机活塞杆疲劳检测

    Fatigue Testing of a Piston-rod of Airplane Engine with Laser Holography

  13. 液压缸活塞杆密封的泄漏量计算

    The Leakage Calculation of the Cylinder Rod Sealing on Hydraulic Cylinder

  14. 气缸活塞杆防转结构的研究

    Study on the Machine to Avoid Rod of Air Cylinder Runing

  15. 关于阀控单杆缸活塞杆伸出及回缩速度的讨论

    Discussing about Valve Controled Single Rod Cylinder Extending and Retracting Speed

  16. 双向作用多级油缸限位结构的设计研究带螺旋活塞杆的液压缸

    Design Research of New Limited Structure for Two-way Action Multistage Cylinder

  17. 车辆制动系统中活塞杆断裂原因分析

    Fracture analysis of the piston - rod in vehicle brake system

  18. 更换活塞杆,在活塞杆上增设流道。

    Replace piston rod and add flow passage on piston rod .

  19. 往复式压缩机组活塞杆断裂监测及联锁系统研究

    Calculation Research on the Monitoring and Concatenating System of Reciprocating Compressors

  20. 油缸活塞杆切削特性的探讨

    Study on the cutting characteristics of the rod of oil cylinder

  21. 基于虚拟仪器的活塞杆在线声发射监测系统

    On-Line acoustic emission monitor system for piston-rod based on virtual instrument

  22. 往复压缩机活塞杆声发射监测技术研究

    Research on Acoustic Emission Monitoring Technology of Piston Rod in Reciprocating Compressor

  23. 对置式压缩机活塞杆偏心度的实用分析

    Practical Analysis of Eccentric Degree of Piston Rod of Horizotal Reciprocating Compressor

  24. 氮氢气循环压缩机活塞杆疲劳断裂的力学分析

    Fatigue Fracture Mechanical Analysis of Piston Rod of Hydrogen Nitrogen Reciprocating Compressor

  25. 液压活塞杆耐磨陶瓷涂层研究

    Research on Abrasive Wear Resistance Coatings of Hydraulic Pressure Piston

  26. 针对液压缸活塞杆刮伤问题的改造

    Improvement on the hydraulic piston to prevent scratches on it

  27. 这样活塞杆就会产生疲劳断裂。

    This will result in the fatigue fracture of the piston rod .

  28. 往复式压缩机活塞杆可靠性分析与参数化设计

    Reliability Analysis and Parametric Design of Piston Rod of a Reciprocating Compressor

  29. 装载机液压缸活塞杆失稳原因综合分析及改进措施

    Cause Analysis and Improving Measures for Rod lost steady in Hydraulic Cylinders

  30. 液压缸气缸内径及活塞杆外径尺寸系列GB2348&80

    Fluid power systems and components & cylinder bores and piston rod diameters