
  • 网络live transmission
  1. 非物质文化遗产的真魂在于活态传承&由徽州祠祭引发的一点思考

    The Real Spirit of Intangible Cultural Heritage : " Living Transmission " & some reflections on " Huizhou ancestor worshipping "

  2. 试图把技艺主体置于文化生境中进而架构起活态传承变迁问题的阐释。

    It tried to put the skill-man into cultural habitats and gave the issue of living changes to explain heritage of the culture of techniques .

  3. 在国家对非物质文化遗产活态传承的极大重视和扶持背景下,武强县实施了文化大县和文化产业的发展战略。

    At the state intangible cultural heritage of great importance and support background , Wuqiang implemented the " culture of the county " and " cultural industry " development strategy .

  4. 其活态性、传承性与流变性决定了其现代社会赖以生存的社会文化生活基础日益狭窄。

    Its living condition , heredity and rheology determined the increasing narrowness of the basis of social cultral life to be lived by modern society .

  5. 首先针对一概而论的生产性保护或传统文化产业化发展,其次是对于非物质文化遗产活态性和传承性这两个重要特征进行了与之前学者不同的解读。

    The first is to lump together " productive safeguarding " or " industry development of traditional culture . " The second is the intangible cultural heritage is " living " and " inheritance " of the two important characteristics of the different interpretations and scholars .