
  • 网络activated carbon regeneration
  1. 活性炭再生技术研究进展

    Progress in Activated Carbon Regeneration

  2. 阐述了湿式氧化技术在废水处理、污泥处理、活性炭再生中的一些应用研究情况,并进行了比较。

    The applications of wet oxidation in wastewater treatment , dispose of sludge and activated carbon regeneration are elaborated .

  3. 采用单因素实验考查了碱洗搅拌时间、碱洗pH值、电解时间、进水pH值、电流强度、进水流量、水温、氯化钠投加量等因素对活性炭再生效果的影响。

    The influence factors , including stirring time , stirring pH value , influent flow rate , pH value , temperature , the dosage of NaCl , current intensity and electrolysis time were investigated respectively through the single factor experiments .

  4. 非循环水培设施改进及活性炭再生研究

    Study of Non-recycling Water Culture Improvement and Active Carbon Regeneration

  5. 糖用废活性炭再生试验

    Experiment on the regeneration technology of spent activated carbon

  6. 废水处理中用于活性炭再生的新型再生剂

    New active carbon regenerant in waste water treatment

  7. 电热立式活性炭再生炉在黄金矿山的应用实践

    Applying practice of vertical electrothermal generative furnace of activated carbon in a gold mine

  8. 超临界流体活性炭再生技术

    Regeneration Technology of Activated Carbon by Supercritical Fluid

  9. 制药废活性炭再生及焦化废水深度处理试验研究

    Experimental study on regenerating used pharmaceutical activated carbon and advanced treating coke making wastewater

  10. 粉状活性炭再生的研究

    Study on the regeneration of powdered active carbon

  11. 活性炭再生技术的发展

    The Development of Regeneration Technologies of Active Carbon

  12. 根据复极性粒子群电极理论,提出了新的活性炭再生方法。

    Based on the bipolar particle electrode theory , a new regeneration method was suggested .

  13. 粉状废活性炭再生利用

    The Reutilization of Waste Powder Active Carbon

  14. 通过微型反应柱集成装置对穿透时间、吸附容量及活性炭再生方法进行了研究,动态试验表明该装置能有效地处理含铬废水。

    Adsorption capacity , penetration time and regeneration method were studied with micro-reaction columns . The results are satisfactory .

  15. 微波具有易于控制,加热速度快,选择性强等优点,近年来被广泛应用于活性炭再生工艺。

    The microwave boasts easy control , quick heating , good selectivity . In recent years , it has been widely used in active carbon regeneration process .

  16. 分析了活性炭再生的必要性以及再生方式,并且比较归纳了各种再生方式的适用条件和优缺点。

    Finally , article briefly describes the necessity and method of regeneration of activated carbon , and compares the conditions of application , advantages and disadvantages of the various regeneration modes .

  17. 由于活性炭再生炉可以为采用炭浆工艺的黄金矿山降低运行成本,所以现已成为炭浆厂的必备设备。

    The vertical electrothermal generative furnace of activated carbon has turned into necessary equipment of CIP plant for it can reduce running cost of gold mine when the CIP plant is employed .

  18. 介绍了几种主要的活性炭再生方法:热再生法、湿式氧化再生法、溶剂再生法、电化学再生法、超临界流体再生法、微波辐照再生法,指出了各种活性炭再生法的特点;

    Several primary methods of regenerating activated carbon , such as thermal destruction , wet air oxidation , solvent method , electrochemical method , supercritical fluid method , microorganism method , were introduced .

  19. 目前国内外主要采用热再生法进行活性炭再生,但是热再生法需要高温,且炭耗高、烧失现象严重。

    Thermal regeneration is the main regeneration method of activated carbon ( AC ) in the world at present , but it need high temperature , and its weight loss and burned loss are seriously .

  20. 因其能耗少、再生时间短、处理效果高且设备简单,使得该再生技术有着传统活性炭再生方法不可比拟的优点。

    The new method of regeneration on activated carbon had more incomparable advantages than the traditional methods because of its advantages such as low energy consumption , short regeneration time , high regeneration efficiency , and simple equipments , etc. .

  21. 活性炭吸附再生5次,其对铜离子、镍离子吸附能力基本保持不变,可以实现PAC的多次重复使用。

    After 5 times of regeneration , the adsorption capacity of PAC on copper and nickel remained unchanged .

  22. 分别采用乙醇、丙酮、NaOH溶液、NaOH溶液+乙醇的混合液对吸附剂活性炭进行再生,再生率均能达到85%以上,基本满足工业要求。

    It was also shown that regeneration of the activated carbon saturated with phenol could be achieved by using ethanol , acetone , NaOH solution , or the mixture of NaOH solution and ethanol , with beyong 85 % regenerated efficiency .

  23. 与热再生法相比较,化学氧化再生法的效率更高,最佳再生条件为:H2O2浓度30%,再生温度70℃,再生时间90min,浸渍活性炭的再生效率为71.7%。

    And thermal renewable law , the chemical oxidation of renewable law more efficient , renewable best conditions are as follows : 30 % of the concentration of H2O2 , renewable temperature 70 ℃, renewable time 90 min , impregnated activated carbon regeneration efficiency 71.7 percent .

  24. 吸附饱和苯酚的活性炭电化学再生的研究

    Study of Electrochemical Regeneration for Activated Carbon of Adsorption Phenol Saturated

  25. 新型活性炭酸洗再生系统的设计与应用

    Design and application of a new carbon regeneration system of acid washing

  26. 吸附卤乙酸饱和的活性炭纤维再生研究

    Study on the Regeneration of Activated Carbon Fibers Adsorbed with Haloacetic Acids

  27. 活性炭生物再生的探讨及在污水处理中的应用

    Microbe Regeneration of Active Carbon and Application for Wastewater Treatment

  28. 废活性炭微波再生新工艺的研究

    Study on waste activated carbon regenerating technology by microwave heating

  29. 本文用化学溶剂法对粉状活性炭的再生进行了较详细的研究。

    The regeneration of powdered carbon is studied in detail with chemical-solvent method .

  30. 脱除SO2活性炭的再生方法

    Regeneration of Activated Carbon Used in SO_2 Removal