
  • 网络Liquidity trap;Keynes trap
  1. 美联储(Fed)一位高级官员警告,美国经济已陷入流动性陷阱,并表示将支持采取更多行动,以推动经济复苏。

    A senior member of the Federal Reserve has warned that the US economy is in a liquidity trap and signalled support for more action to boost the recovery .

  2. 另外我想对那些有足够耐心的、认为可以说服中国回到正轨的人说几句:中国的货币政策正在给我们带来巨大的损失,世界仍处在一个流动性陷阱(liquiditytrap)之中。

    And for those who counsel patience , arguing that China can eventually be brought around : the acute damage from China 's currency policy is happening now , while the world is still in a liquidity trap .

  3. 毕竟,刺激的规模相当小:财政刺激不到GDP的6%,还不到2009年、2010年以及2011年累计赤字的五分之一,而货币政策正陷入流动性陷阱。

    After all , it was quite modest : fiscal stimulus was less than 6 per cent of GDP and so accounts for less than a fifth of the cumulative deficits of 2009 , 2010 and 2011 , while monetary policy is caught in a liquidity trap .

  4. 在最糟糕的情况下,美元崩盘可能会令一些g7国家陷入流动性陷阱,在这种情况下,即使是极度宽松的货币及财政政策,也无法令其经济摆脱通缩。

    In the worst-case scenario , a rout of the greenback could tip some G7 countries into liquidity traps where extremely loose monetary and fiscal policies are unable to prise their economies out of deflation .

  5. 流动性陷阱:现实、产生机理与政策

    The Liquidity Trap : Reality , Productive Mechanism , and Policy

  6. 通货膨胀目标;利率政策;流动性陷阱。

    Inflation Targeting ; Interest Rate Rules ; The Liquidity Trap .

  7. 日本应对流动性陷阱的财政货币政策分析

    A Study on Japanese Financial and Monetary Policies in Liquidity Trap

  8. 第一个与流动性陷阱相关的政策例证,出现在上世纪30年代。

    The first example of policy in a liquidity trap comes from the1930s .

  9. 这也被称之为流动性陷阱。

    This is also known as the liquidity trap .

  10. 这种两极分化的结果是一种经典的流动性陷阱。

    The result was a classic liquidity trap .

  11. 通货紧缩、流动性陷阱及中国宏观经济政策整合研究

    The Synthesis Study of Deflation , Liquidity Trap and the Macroeconomic Policy in China

  12. 美国目前处于流动性陷阱,这就是为何财政紧缩将导致如此严重经济衰退的原因。

    An extant American liquidity trap explains why the recession would be so severe .

  13. 当利率水平降至零点、以至于没有进一步下跌的空间时,流动性陷阱就产生了。

    Such a trap exists when interest rates are frozen at zero and cannot fall .

  14. 因此,在流动性陷阱中,政府的政策是无法拉动经济增长的。

    Thus , in the liquidity trap government policy is incapable of stimulating economic growth .

  15. 日本流动性陷阱的实证分析及货币政策有效性研究

    The Empirical Analysis of the Liquidity Trap and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Japan

  16. 流动性陷阱发生在债券收益率降至极低水平使得市场将债券当现金用的时候。

    This is when bond yields sink so low , the market treats them like cash .

  17. 我国名义利率调整机制与货币政策流动性陷阱检验

    China 's Nominal Interest Rate Adjustment Mechanism and " Liquidity Trap " Test of Monetary Policies

  18. 企业和家庭面临的实际利率很高:我们显然没有掉进流动性陷阱。

    Companies and households face high effective interest rates : we are clearly not in a liquidity trap .

  19. 但这也使得经济周期性波动时,滑入流动性陷阱和通货紧缩陷阱的概率提高。

    However , when the economy experiences cyclical adjustment , liquidity trap and deflation trap are more likely occurring .

  20. 这将有助于防止经济陷入流动性陷阱,如果出现那种情况货币政策就会失效。

    This would help prevent the economy falling into a liquidity trap , a position when monetary policy loses traction .

  21. 通过建立一个现代的凯恩斯货币需求的模型,重新分析了流动性陷阱。

    Through building up a modern Keynes ' model on money demand , this paper reanalyzes ' liquidity trap ' .

  22. 就像经历了几代杀虫剂存活下来的蟑螂一样,在流动性陷阱中,市场已经对进一步的现金注入变得无动于衷,似乎已经免疫。

    Like cockroaches dosed for generations with insecticides , in a liquidity trap the markets become immune to further cash injections .

  23. 第二章分别梳理流动性陷阱下实施非常规的量化宽松货币政策的相关理论来源。

    The second part is the theoretical part that is related to the Liquidity Trap and Unconventional Monetary Policy as QE .

  24. 流动性陷阱与利率调节&货币政策对投资、产出、就业无效吗?

    The Trap of Liquidity and Regulation of Interest Rate & Is Monetary Policy Ineffective on Investment , Output and Employment ;

  25. 但在陷入流动性陷阱的情况下,由于利率水平已固定在零点、无法进一步降低,财政拖累无法得到抵消。

    But in a liquidity trap , with interest rates stuck at zero , there is no offset to the fiscal drag .

  26. 对我国现阶段证券市场流动性陷阱现象的解释&基于证券投资随机模型的视角

    A Study of the Liquidity Trap of the Present Stock-market in China from the Perspective of the Stochastic Model of Stock Investment

  27. 货币政策效果具有非对称性,在出现流动性陷阱后,货币政策通常是失效的。

    The monetary policy effectiveness is asymmetric . Once the economy slips into liquidity trap , monetary policy is hardly becoming effective .

  28. 由于经济需求受限,加之身处利率无法进一步下降的流动性陷阱,财政政策有着超出平常的效果。

    With economic demand constrained and in a liquidity trap where interest rates cannot fall further , fiscal policies have larger than normal effects .

  29. 日元过度升值引起的通货紧缩,加之零利率的流动性陷阱,造成了20世纪90年代成为日本的失去的十年。

    The resulting deflation from the overvalued yen , coupled with a zero-interest liquidity trap , led to Japan 's lost decade of the 1990s .

  30. 麦金农的负风险溢价理论说明,在流动性陷阱的情况下,日本银行业很难赢利。

    Rishi Goyal sand Ronald Mckinnon theory of negative risk premium shows that Japans banks are hard to make profit under the circumstances of liquidity trap .