
  • 【财】current assets management
  1. 该系统将实现IBoard规范中的公告板、告示贴、联系记录、工作日程表、周报管理和流动资产管理六大功能模块。

    The system will realize six functional modules , such as bulletin board , notice board , contact information , work arrangement , weekly report , and management of current assets with reference to specifications observed on I Board .

  2. 高校流动资产管理初探

    Initial Exploration on the Management of Circulating Assets in Tertiary Colleges

  3. 在管理体制改革的过程中,我国图书出版公司的流动资产管理模式正逐步发生着根本性变化。

    In the reform process , the management mode of book-publishing liquid assets is changing .

  4. 有效而合理的短期融资策略是建立在相应的流动资产管理水平基础上的。

    The efficient and reasonable short-term financing strategy is based on the relevant floating capital management .

  5. 确定现金最佳持有量一直是企业流动资产管理研究的课题之一。

    How to determine the Optimal Money Holding is always a problem in the management of current assets .

  6. 应收账款分析的正确性,对于揭示应收账款管理工作的好坏以及加强流动资产管理具有重要的意义。

    It 's very important that correctness of accounts receivable analysis for disclosing accounts receivable management and strengthening active assets management .

  7. 在流动资产管理分析中,主要介绍了现金管理、存货管理与应收账款管理。

    In the analysis of current assets management it introduces the cash management 、 the inventories management and the accounts receivables management .

  8. 流动资产管理是生产经营活动重要的组成部分;流动资产的周转是一个企业生存和发展的基础;流动资产在一个企业资产总额中占有重要的地位。

    Liquidity management is the production of an important part of business activities ; current assets turnover is a basis for enterprise survival and development ; liquid assets in total assets of an enterprise occupies an important position .

  9. 因此,需要对企业的财务功能进行调整,使它成为能够进行成本管理、长期投资决策、长期筹资决策、流动资产管理、做出财务分析和财务计划及企业收购与合并分析的部门。

    So , the functionality of finance must be adjusted , and make it become a department which can do cost management , long-term investment decision-making , long-term raising money , floating capital management , and do financial analysis , planning , and enterprises purchasing and regrouping .

  10. 一般的经营失败或陷入财务危机的企业,通常都是从流动资产管理不善开始的;流动资产的质量水平影响着企业财务报表所披露的信息,是企业资产质量表现的重要方面之一。

    General business failure or financial crises of the company , is usually from the mismanagement of the beginning of current assets ; the level of liquid assets affect the quality of corporate information disclosed in the financial statements , corporate assets , an important aspect of quality performance .