
  1. 基于变压器回路方程的三角形侧绕组中环流求取新方法

    New Calculation Method of the Circulating Current in Delta Side Based on Voltage Loop Equation of Transformer

  2. 首先介绍了Petri网与有向网络的Petri网模型;然后,给出有向网络最大流的求最短路法;

    Petri net and Petri net model of directional network are first introduced , then , a more applied method of seeking the maximum flow is given out .

  3. 针对部分可观下状态反馈控制综合问题,指出了这个问题的最优解是不存在的,给出了利用网络流理论求次优解的方法。

    In this paper The suboptimal solution of the synthesis of static_state feedback control under partial observation is given by using maximal network flows of graph theory .

  4. 文中应用这种模型于平面Couette流问题,求出其形式解,并用迭代方法求出一次近似解。

    In this article , the model is applied to the plane Couette 's flow problem , the formal solution has been obtained and the first approximate solution by the method of iteration has been given .

  5. 本文综合求最大流原理和求最短路原理,在直接输入初始状态下就求出任何一个网络图的最小费用值,最大流值以及其他一些相关数据。

    This article , which synthesizes the principle of the biggest flowing and the principle of the short est circuit , works out the minimum expenses value , the biggest flow data and other related data of a whichever network diagram , when we give a series of start data .

  6. 在理论研究中把环缝磨内介质球和料浆的混合体近似地看作是一种不可压缩的粘性流体,运用二维不可压缩粘性流的Navier-Stokes方程求出其速度的近似求解公式。

    In the academic study , the mixture of medium - balls and slurry in the annular gap mill approximately is regarded as a kind of uncompressed viscous liquid , use the Navier-Stokes equation of planar uncompressed viscous liquid to get the formula of its velocity .

  7. 流数据实时近似求和的算法研究

    Study of Real-time Approximate Sum Algorithm of Data Stream

  8. 利用定压力非稳定流压水试验求水文地质参数

    Determination of hydrogeological parameters by water pressure test of steady-pressure and non-stationary flow

  9. 本文提出用闪烁丝测量束流包络,从而求出粒子流真实发散度的方法。

    In this paper , we propose to measure the beam envelope by a thin plastic scintillation filament .

  10. 基于电偶极辐射的理论基础,导出作椭圆振动的电偶极辐射在远场辐射区的能流密度,进而求出辐射功率.作为一个特例,讨论了三相交流电机的辐射问题。

    Calculates the energy flux density of elliptic-polarization electric dipole radiation based on the theory of electric dipole radiation , and , further , the radiant power of the electric dipole ; discusses the electromagnetic radiation of the triphase alternator which is treated as a special case .

  11. 基于单孔稳定流抽水试验观测值的非稳定流求参方法

    Determination of hydraulic parameters by an unsteady flow method based on measured data from single-well steady flow pumping tests

  12. 系统依赖图的构造可以归结为控制流分析和数据流分析,控制流分析主要是求取语句间的控制依赖关系,可以归结为父亲-孩子关系的求解。

    The construction of system dependence graph can be attributed to the control flow analysis and data flow analysis . The control dependence relationship among statements is obtained by control flow analysis , which can be attributed to obtain the father-child relationship .