
  • 网络Circulation cost;distribution cost
  1. 同时为了保持价格的吸引力,PC厂商们都尽量地减少销售渠道的流通成本。

    At the same time for keep appeal of price , PC manufacturers try hard to reduce circulation cost of marketing channel .

  2. 本文从流通成本的角度进行分析。

    This article carries on the analysis from the circulation cost .

  3. 机组入网流通成本的研究

    A research about costs of transmission by connecting generator to grid

  4. 降低农业产业化流通成本的思考

    On Lowering the Cost of Industrialized Circulation in Agriculture

  5. 特别是经济发展中较高的流通成本制约了经济增长效率的提高。

    Especially in the economic development in higher logistics cost restricted economic growth efficiency .

  6. 作为专业化物流,农产品第三方物流可以大大降低农产品流通成本,提高流通效率。

    As professional logistics , 3PL could reduce circulation cost and improve the efficiency of logistics .

  7. 特别是进一步完善鲜活农产品运输绿色通道政策,蔬菜流通成本有效降低。

    The especially further perfect and flexible agricultural products transports a green channeling policy , the vegetable circulates cost effective step-down .

  8. 只有将三者有效结合,才能降低流通成本、提高物流工作效率。

    Only by effectively combining the three steps can an enterprise reduce the cost of circulation and improve the efficiency of logistics .

  9. 通过构建一个混合规划模型,得到配送可行方案集及其流通成本集;

    A mixed programming model , as a quantitative appraisal method , was presented to decide the feasible schemes and their costs ;

  10. 商品的价格受生产和流通成本影响,同时也受原材料成本影响。

    Prices of goods are governed by the cost of the raw materials , as well as by the cost of production and distribution .

  11. 现代物流由于能够节约流通成本,提供增值服务,创造竞争优势,而被国际上公认为“第三利润源泉”。

    Modern Logistics is recognized as " the third margin headspring " since it can economize circulating cost , provide incremental service and create competitive advantages .

  12. 由于改善供应链管理可以显著降低钢材流通成本,所以国内钢材流通业重点应放在构建钢材流通体系上。

    Because the efficient supply chain management can significantly reduce logistics cost , the domestic steel distribution system should focus on building and optimizing the distribution route .

  13. 物质流通成本的相当一部分发生在具体的车辆运输中,因而稍微的节约都会导致流通成本的大幅下降。

    As the transportation cost occupy a great proportion in the circulation cost of goods , a small decrease of it would cause a great deal savings .

  14. 历史数据表明,自1997年之后,吉林省玉米的价格竞争优势逐渐丧失,其中既有生产成本的原因,又有流通成本的原因。

    The historical data indicated , since 1997 , the price competitive advantage of Jilin Province maize lost gradually , there are two reasons : production cost and circulation cost .

  15. 云制造作为现代制造业的一种新的制造模式,利用广泛的网络资源,和工业资源,提高生产效率,降低企业生产,流通成本。

    As a new industrial model , cloud manufacturing improves production efficiency and reduces the cost of production and distribution by using of our extensive network and using resource efficiently .

  16. 发展现代物流产业可以加快资本周转,有效降低流通成本,提高资本运行质量,有利于我国经济持续快速增长。

    Developing modern logistics can speed up the capital flow while effectively lower the cost and improve the quality , and accordingly benefits the nation 's economy in maintaining a fast speed .

  17. 我国要在全球汽车市场中占据一席之地,就必须降低生产流通成本,整合整车物流体系,迅速发展汽车物流业。

    The reduction of manufacturing circulation cost , integration of automobile logistics system and rapid growth of auto logistics industry are in demands if expecting to occupy a position in global vehicle market .

  18. 通过区域经济一体化可以合理利用和配置各国资源,降低生产和流通成本,共同促进区域内各国经济的发展。

    Integration of regional economics enabled the reasonable utilization and allocation of resources in different countries and decreased the cost of production and circulation , which stimulate economic development in every country in the region .

  19. 本论文十分关注21世纪印刷文本的流通成本问题,同时也专门探讨了手稿这样一种特殊的文本在运作中的地位问题。

    This dissertation lays a special emphasis on the circulation costs of the printed texts of the 21st century and at the same time discusses the position in operation of " manuscript ", a special text .

  20. 因此,降低农产品流通成本和提高流通中的附加值,是增加农民收入和建设社会主义新农村的重要举措之一。

    Therefore , it is one of the essential measures taken by people to raise farmers ' income and construct new rural communities in our society to reduce the circulation costs of agricultural products and to raise their additional value .

  21. 采取鼓励居民消费的综合政策,提高居民消费能力,扩大商品和服务消费,降低流通成本,更好发挥消费对经济发展的支撑作用。

    We will take a comprehensive set of policies to boost consumer spending , raise people 's spending power , increase consumption of goods and services and reduce distribution costs so that consumption can provide greater support for economic development .

  22. 我国超市要突破障碍,实现蔬菜经营的进一步发展,重要出路在于建立高效的蔬菜配送模式,从而降低流通成本,降低蔬菜价格,保障蔬菜品质。

    Establishing efficient vegetables distribution mode to reduce the circulation costs and vegetable prices , guarantee quality of vegetables is the one of the most important way to break through barriers and achieve the further development of the supermarkets vegetable business .

  23. 在与美国的玉米生产比较中得出,吉林省玉米生产的成本并不比美国高,但国内玉米的质量、流通成本、生产力水平、粮食深加工水平和农业支持政策是失去竞争力的主要原因。

    Comparing with corn production in USA , production cost is not high in Jilin province . Competitive superiority is lost because of low quality , high circulation costs , low production level , low processing ability and less policy support .

  24. 分析了日本农产品营销渠道模式的特点:渠道环节多,流通成本高,渠道管理规范化、法制化,农协担当着连接生产者和消费者的纽带作用。

    Together , it has analyzed the characteristic of Japanese produce marketing channel : many channel links , high circulation cost , standardization in channel management , legalize and the agricultural association taking on the link function between the producer and consumer .

  25. 该模式通过减少中间环节,降低流通成本等途径实现了生产者、消费者和超市三方共赢的局面,并促进了食品安全以及农业现代化的发展。

    The model has achieved the tripartite win-win situation of the producers , consumers , and supermarket , through the decrease of the intermediate links and the drop of the circulation cost , and promoted the development of food safety and agricultural modernization .

  26. 通过对吉林省13个粮库的实地调查,对吉林省玉米流通成本的构成及影响因素进行了实证分析,从而提出降低吉林省玉米流通成本的途径:进一步深化粮食流通企业市场化改革;

    On the basis of the on-the-spot investigation of 13 grain depots in Jilin province , the structure and influencing factors of maize circulation cost in Jilin province were analyzed , and the ways of reducing circulation cost of Jilin maize were thereby proposed .

  27. 高校图书情报资源流通服务成本核算分析

    Cost Accounting of Books Information Resources Circulation Service in University

  28. 中国上市公司流通股本成本研究

    The Cost of Equity of Tradable Shares : Empirical Evidence from China Listing Companies

  29. 行政壁垒抬高了区域间经济要素流通的成本,降低了经济活力。

    The administrative bulwark increases the circulation cost of the economic element and reduces the economic vigor .

  30. 马铃薯种植及流通的成本收益比较分析&以定西市为例

    The Comparative Analysis of Cost-benefit in Potato Plant and Circulation & Taking Dingxi City as an Example