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  • runner;passageway
流道[liú dào]
  1. PET瓶坯热流道注射模流道直径的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Hot Runner Diameter in Injection Mould

  2. 利用CAE软件优化流道设计

    Using CAE technology to optimize the design of runner system

  3. 轴流泵站进水流道的CAD

    The CAD of Inlet passage of an Axial Flow Pumping Station

  4. 离心泵CAD系统中叶轮轴面流道的设计

    Design on Meridian Passage of Impellor in Centrifugal Pump CAD

  5. 离心泵叶轮CAD系统中流道几何模型的构造

    The Flow Channel Model Design of Centrifugal Pump Impeller in CAD System

  6. PET吹塑瓶坯热流道模具设计

    Design of hot runner injection mold for PET bottle base

  7. 利用三维参数化CAD技术设计流道的结构模型;

    The three-dimensional parameterized channel model for drip emitters was designed using the method of CAD .

  8. 塑料熔体在T形和U形截面流道中的流动分析

    Flowing Analysis of the Melted Plastic Body in the T and U Shape Section Runner

  9. 此方法在水利工程流道CAD中加以了应用,其效果良好。

    The method has been applied in design of CAD for passageways of pump stations and the result is satisfying .

  10. 基于CFD的中压柱塞泵流道优化研究

    Optimization Research on Flow Passage of Medium Pressure Piston Pumps Based on CFD

  11. 滴头流道CFD分析的研究进展与问题

    Research progress in analysis of flow passage in irrigation emitters using Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques

  12. 采用直接求解雷诺平均N-S方程和标准k-ε紊流方程组的方法,模拟了方箱式双向进水流道内的流动。

    The flow in a two-way suction box is computed by means of three dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the standard k - ε model .

  13. 扭矩转化器(T/C)内部叶片流道流场的二维PIV实验研究

    Measurement of the Internal Flow Field in a Torque-Converter by Two-dimensional PIV

  14. 借鉴双流道叶轮平面图水力设计的方法,提出了改进的单流道叶轮平面图水力设计方法,改进方法较原方法简单,尤其便于编制CAD软件。

    Inspect the design way of plan hydraulic design of double channel impeller , it provides the new design way of plan hydraulic of single channel impeller .

  15. 为解决PET塑料加工温度范围较窄,工艺性较差的问题,提出了PET吹塑瓶坯热流道模具设计方法。

    A design method of hot runner mold for PET bottle base was proposed to extend the temperature range of PET resin for better processing .

  16. 基于MDT和ARX的泵站流道设计

    Design for the Flow Route of Pumping Station by Using MDT and ARX

  17. 经量纲分析和圆管紊流理论分析表明流道内部流动的雷诺数Re对流道摩阻系数λ影响很小,可以忽略不计;

    The results of dimension analysis and turbulent pipe flow theory showed that the Reynolds number Re had low effect on the flow path friction coefficient λ, which could be ignored .

  18. 在给定叶片速度矩Vθr分布、厚度分布和转轮轴面流道几何形状的条件下,实现了混流式水轮机转轮的全三维有旋流动设计。

    The design of Francis runner in the three-dimensional rotational flow can be performed according to the V θ r distribution 、 flow channel and the blade with given thickness distribution .

  19. 根据近年将新型结构螺杆用于PVC制品挤出成型的成功经验,分别对分流型、屏障型、分离型及变流道型等结构型式的螺杆在PVC制品挤出成型方面的应用及特点进行了论述。

    Applications and characteristics of screws of distribution , barrier , separator and channel with changing sections in the extrusion of poly ( vinyl chloride ) were reviewed .

  20. 引入有效延伸应变SW来描述流道内分子链的延伸取向程度。

    To describe extended orientation degree of polymer molecular chains in runner , effective extended strain S w is cited .

  21. 虹吸式出水流道三维流动模拟的控制方程为雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程,并以紊流模型使方程组闭合。

    Control equations include Reynolds Navier-Stokes equation and turbulent model . The computation of near-wall flow has been conducted by wall-function .

  22. 该文将PIV技术应用于离心泵流道中固粒速度场的研究。

    This paper deals with PIV applied to the study of solid particles velocity in the flow passage of centrifugal pumps .

  23. 低扬程双向流道泵站是我国独创的泵站型式,为深入了解其流道内流场特性,首次运用基于壁面律的RNGkε的湍流模型对流道进行数值模拟。

    The RNG k - ε turbulent model with wall-function law is firstly applied to simulate the flow of the reversible two-way passages pumping station .

  24. 应用ANSYS软件进行有限元求解,得到螺纹流道的速度场、压力场、粘度场。

    ANSYS , the software involves with finite element method , was adopted for solving the flow models and gaining results of the velocity flied , pressure filed , and viscosity field .

  25. 在S1流面内主要测量了流道内和叶栅出口流场的流动,研究了不同叶高处流体的流动特点。

    The measurement on the S1 stream surface was performed within the flow passage and at the outlet of the cascade at five radial positions .

  26. 结合传质的特点,将反应器内研究混合情况的停留时间分布(RTD)概念引入流道抗结垢研究中,介绍了贝克列准数Pe的物理含义。

    The concept of Resident Time Distribution ( RTD ) studied in the reactor for mixing is introduced into the research of channel fouling study integrating mass transfer characteristic .

  27. 采用可视化实验技术,获得了流过楔形收敛流道的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)熔体内着色条料的流迹图像。

    Trajectory images have been obtained of a colored strand in the high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) melt flowing through a converging wedge channel by a visualization technique .

  28. 性能试验结果验证了CFD计算的有效性,研究表明,流道结构的合理调整,可以提高风量并有利于噪声的降低。

    The results of performance experiment show that the CFD is effective . Research show that the adjusting of the flow passage structure can rise the flux and reduce the sound level .

  29. 为了进一步揭示这一复杂流动现象的特性和物理模型,该文应用激光Doppler测速仪和七孔气动探针对一环形压气机叶栅在大攻角下的流道内部和流道出口的流场进行了实验研究。

    In order to understand the characteristics of this complicated phenomenon , a strongly separated flow in an annular compressor cascade at large incidence was investigated using Laser Doppler Velocimeter ( LDV ) and 7 hole pneumatic probe .

  30. 较为详尽地介绍了变宽双流道叶轮设计参数的确定,轴面投影图及平面图的绘型方法,并介绍了可在Windows95以上系统下运行的该CAD应用软件。

    This paper introduces the determination of design parameters of impeller with width-variation double channel and the drawing method of axial projection and plain projection ; Also it introduces its CAD application software that can operating beyond Windows 95 system .