
  1. 北京市政府再次呼吁市民节日期间避免出境,以降低病毒感染风险,同时表示将为留京过年人员发放消费券和免费流量包。

    The municipal government also renewed calls for residents to avoid outbound travels during the festival to minimize infection risks and promised to offer shopping coupons and free data packages to those who choose to stay put .

  2. 区别于采用使用规则和事先定义特征码方法的大多数IDS,流量包可以分析攻击模式。

    Instead of using rules or predefined signatures as most IDS , packet flows are mapped into attack patterns .

  3. 一位中国联通用户宣称,他9天内就用完了一个月的流量包。

    One user of China Unicom claimed that it took him only nine days to use up the data package of a month .

  4. 然而,在用户们还未能享受到延长使用期限的流量包时,好奇的用户们就发现该政策公布后,原有的流量限额很容易就达到了,这意味着到了月底根本不会有剩余流量。

    However , even before Chinese users could enjoy the free extra package , inquisitive users found that since the adoption of the policy , the original data limits seem to be far more easily swallowed up , which means there wouldn 't be any unused data left for the next month .

  5. Linux下的高流量数据包监听技术

    Monitor technique with high flow of data packets in Linux

  6. 该方法根据处理点的不同将流数据测量分成不同的种类,指出了基于SNMP采集的流量数据包具有瞬时性的特点,NetFlow流量数据包具有累加性的特点。

    It divides traffic data measurement into different types according to various data processing points . This method also indicates that the SNMP based traffic package has instantaneous property and NetFlow traffic package has accumulative property .

  7. 自相似流量下包丢失的尺度特性

    Scaling Behavior of Packet Loss with Self-similar Traffic Input

  8. 首先,将原始流量数据包通过了过滤和分类等一系列的预处理阶段,得到了可用于检测的高质量的数据集。

    First , original traffic flow is put through filter stage and classification stage for pre-process , leaving high qualified traffic flow data for the later detection stage .

  9. 目前已有大量的安全产品具有检测并过滤拒绝服务攻击攻击的功能,检测的原理基本上是匹配特定类型的大流量数据包。

    There are many security products which have function of detecting and filtering DoS and the principle of detection system is matching the data flow which has special label bit and high rate .

  10. 然后进行分流并行的可行性分析,提出在Linux环境下搭建Hadoop平台提取网络流量中数据包的特征,并根据规约条件将数据包归并为一个完整的数据流。

    Secondly , with a shunt parallel feasibility analysis , we propose how to extract five elements of the network traffic packets and incorporate the packets into a complete network flow in the Linux environment .

  11. 基于大流量小数据包网络环境下的捕包技术研究

    Research on Technique of Data Packets Capture Based on Small and High Speed Packets under Network Environment

  12. 流量模拟包括包层次模拟、流层次模拟和混合模拟。

    There are three types of traffic simulation : packet-level simulation , fluid-level simulation and hybrid simulation .

  13. 在高速Internet链路的流量测量中,包抽样技术能有效减少被测数据量以节省各种可用资源。

    In high-speed Internet links , efficient and effective packet sampling techniques for traffic measurement are not only desirable , but increasingly becoming a necessity .

  14. 网络流量由IP信息包(或,简称信息包)以流的形式从源系统传输到目的地系统的一些小块数据组成。

    Network traffic is made up of IP packets or simply packets & small chunks of data traveling in streams from a source system to a destination system .

  15. 我们这篇文章研究不同负载和不同背景流量模式对于数据包延迟分布的影响。

    We have studied packet delay distribution in different type of traffic being carried and different network load .

  16. 分析评估数据第1周和第3周背景流量中帧数据包的数据速率和网络带宽利用率。

    Data speed and network bandwidth utilization rate of background traffic in week 1 and 3 are also analyzed .

  17. 网络入侵防御系统必须基于特定的硬件平台来实现高流量的深度数据包检测和阻断功能。

    Network-based intrusion prevention system must run on specific hardware platforms to achieve high capacity of deep packet inspecting and blocking function .

  18. 分析发现,合法流量和包含攻击包流量采样在功率谱密度上存在显著差异。

    With its attacking traffic pattern , obvious difference was found between the power spectrum density ( PSD ) of legitimate and attack traffic samples .

  19. 流量(和表示该流量的包)与普通的HTML或PHP页面是否有差别?

    Is the traffic different ( and the packets that represent that traffic ) from a normal HTML or PHP page ?

  20. 提出了一种基于误差反向传播神经网络的P2P流量识别方法,该方法以流量中数据包的统计特征为识别依据,建立后向传播神经网络模型。

    This paper proposes a new method based on neural network model , using back-propagation neural network and P2P traffic characteristics of net flow data packets to fulfill P2P traffic classification .

  21. 如果某个网络设备遇到大量的流量,那么管理员可以使用控制器告诉网络设备将这些流量包重定向或重新发送到何处。

    The administrator can use the controller to tell network devices where to redirect or resend the packets if one network device begins to experience heavy traffic .