
qiǎn lǜ
  • light green
  1. 我们通常把那些绿色的(各种浅绿、深绿色的)叶子叫做lettuce(生菜)。

    We usually call those green , light green or dark green leaves lettuce .

  2. 汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮。

    Soup color light green micro yellow , limpid bright .

  3. 一个星期之后,浅绿的芒果长出。

    After approximately one week , little green mangoes now start to appear .

  4. 吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。

    Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies , wet sky graceful .

  5. 品评记录:此酒浅绿黄色。

    Tasting Notes : This wine green yellow .

  6. 怪物的颜色浅绿带黑,颜料:颜料是不能溶解的有色物质。

    It was greenish - black , Pigment : Pigments are insoluble coloured substances .

  7. 黄水晶色略泛浅绿。

    Crystal yellow and green colour .

  8. 黄色、浅蓝和浅绿有缓解恐惧,激发思维的作用。

    Yellow , light blue and light green possess the actions of restricting fear and benefiting thinking .

  9. 她上身穿着件浅绿的绸子小夹袄,下面一条青洋绉肥腿的单裤。

    She was wearing a short silk lined jacket of pale green and wide black crepe trousers .

  10. 肤色红艳的人,可选用浅绿、墨绿等色的珠宝首饰,以衬托出活力。

    Color , can choose segong is colourful shallow green , blackish green color , with foil jewelry .

  11. 一个星期之后,浅绿的芒果长出。每个人脸部颈部都有深浅皱纹的出现。

    After approximately one week , little green mangoes now start to appear . His face has many wrinkles .

  12. 颜色嘛,有深绿也有浅绿,还有带条纹的。果肉有粉红或红色。

    And in color it may be light or dark green or even striped , with pink or red pulp .

  13. 一种冬瓜蔓生植物的果实;个头大的、蒙皮光滑的、果肉为暗绿色的浅绿色瓜。

    The fruit of a variety of winter melon vine ; a large smooth-skinned greenish-white melon with pale green flesh .

  14. 从浅绿到深绿&新时期生态文学研究综述

    From the Awareness of Light Green to That of Deep Green & A Research Summary of Eco-literature in the New Period

  15. 品评记录:此酒浅绿黄色,散发出波罗和柠檬的香味,带有青草味和花的芳香味。

    Tasting Notes : This wine green , yellow and citric fragrance , the Baltic with grass and flowers fragrant flavor .

  16. 这一款我们有很多规格和颜色,有深棕,浅绿,浅黄,深红色。

    We have this model in several sizes and colors , dark brown , light green , light yellow , crimson .

  17. 本文将绿色税收分为“浅绿”、“中绿”和“绿色”三个层次。

    This thesis classifies Green Taxation into three levels , namely " light green "," moderate green " and " green " .

  18. 一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。

    A shallow , greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless , deathly rigid landscape .

  19. 妩媚的蕾丝装扮是你的最爱,如果再配上淡蓝、浅粉、嫩黄和浅绿这样柔和的颜色,就更能衬出你的时尚可爱。

    Feminine lacy dresses are your first love , and you look wonderful in the colors of pale blue , pink , yellow and green .

  20. 我建议用一种更好的方式来考虑各种财务决策,比如划条分界线,即本文所称的“浅绿线”,看看你在线的哪一头。

    I propose a better way to think about financial decisions , using a bright line test - in this case , a thin green line .

  21. 这款腕表以它鲜亮颜色譬如浅绿、红色、粉红和紫色,完全掀起了这个季节的潮流!

    Coming in a selection of bright colour blocking hues such as Aqua , Red , Pink and Purple the Illuma channels this season hottest trend perfectly !

  22. 唐三彩是一种低温釉陶器,在色釉中加入不同的金属氧化物,经过焙烧,便形成浅黄、赭黄、浅绿、深绿、天蓝、褐红、茄紫等多种色彩,但多以黄、褐、绿三色为主。

    The Tang tri-colored glazed pottery is a low-melting glazed pottery . It was made by adding metallic oxides to the colored glaze and calcining the object to cre-ate different colors , namely the predominant yellow , brown and green .