
  • 网络Superficial mycoses;superficial fungi
  1. 结论本项研究为皮肤浅部真菌病的病变机理提供理论依据。

    Conclusion This study provided new view in pathogenesis of superficial mycoses of superficial fungi .

  2. 方法将160例浅部真菌病患者(手癣18例,足癣74例,股癣47例,体癣21例)随机分为A,B两组。

    Methods All the 160 patients with superficial mycoses ( 18 with tinea manum , 74 with tinea pedis , 47 with tinea cruris , 21 with tinea corporis ) were divided into Group A and Group B at random .

  3. 结论本研究初步建立的直接从浅部真菌病临床标本中提取致病菌DNA的方法能满足后续PCR反应的需要;

    Conclusion This method for DNA extraction could be useful to apply PCR assay in diagnosis of superficial fungal infection .

  4. 目的初步建立直接从浅部真菌病临床标本中提取致病菌DNA的方法,为PCR技术快速诊断浅部真菌病及相关研究奠定基础。

    Objective We develop a method for extracting DNA of pathogenic fungi from dermal specimens directly , in order to apply PCR assay in diagnosis of superficial fungal infection .

  5. 结论PCR检测具有较好的特异性和准确性,且比培养缩短了近2周的时间,为临床快速诊断和及时、合理地治疗浅部真菌病提供参考。

    Conclusions PCR assay has good specificity and accuracy , while fungal culture takes 2 weeks to get the results . PCR is helpful for making rapid clinical diagnosis , which leads to the appropriate treatment of superficial fungal infection .

  6. 本研究采用浅部真菌接种菌量的计数控制技术,观察10种中草药对我国主要分布的8种致病性浅部真菌的抑菌实验及MIC测定。

    By counting the amount of microbes inoculation of superficial fungus and MIC determination , 10 kinds of herbs distributed in China were observed for their bacteriostatic actions on 8 kinds of common superficial fungal infections .

  7. 目的:比较国产和进口1%特比萘芬软膏治疗浅部真菌病的疗效和安全性。方法:50例国产特比萘芬试验组中男性27例,女性23例,年龄38a±s17a;

    AIM : To compare the efficacy and safety of domestic terbinafine cream and imported terbinafine cream in treating superficial mycoses .

  8. 1%盐酸布替萘芬乳膏治疗浅部真菌病疗效观察

    Treatment efficacy of butenafine hydrochloride 1 % cream for superficial mycosis

  9. 特比萘芬软膏与复方酮康唑乳膏治疗浅部真菌病疗效比较

    Compare the Effect of Terbinafine on Dermatophytosis with Compound Ketoconazole Cream

  10. 453例儿童浅部真菌病分析

    Analysis of 453 Cases with Cutaneous Superficial Fungal Diseases in Children

  11. 广州地区1015例浅部真菌病病原学分析

    Pathogenic Analysis of 1015 Cases of Superficial Mycosis in Guangzhou Region

  12. 浅部真菌病应用国产与进口特比萘芬的费用效果分析

    Cost effectiveness analysis of treating superficial mycosis with imported and domestic terbinafine

  13. 特比萘芬乳膏与咪康唑霜治疗浅部真菌病临床对比观察

    Clinical Comparison of Therapeutic Effect between Terbinafine and Miconazole on Superficial Mycoses

  14. 浅部真菌病影响患者生活质量的调查分析

    Investigation of the impact of superficial mycoses on life quality

  15. 复方硝酸益康唑软膏治疗浅部真菌病疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation of Econazole Compund Ointment on Treatment of Dermatophytosis

  16. 阿莫罗芬治疗甲癣和其它浅部真菌感染

    Treatment of onychomycosis and other superficial fungal infections by amorolfine

  17. 口服伊曲康唑治疗皮肤浅部真菌病200例临床观察

    Oral Itraconazole for Superficial Dermatomycosis : A Clinical Series of 200 Patients

  18. 2%三氯醋酸治疗浅部真菌病的实验及临床研究

    Clinical and in vitro studies on 2 % trichloroacetic acid for superficial mycosis

  19. 浅部真菌病1948份临床标本的真菌学分析

    Etiological analysis of pathogenic fungi in superficial clinical specimens

  20. 兰州地区浅部真菌病及病原菌种类分析

    Analysis of Superficial Mycoses and Pathogenic Fungi in Lanzhou

  21. 浅部真菌感染诊疗进展

    Progress on Diagnosis and Treatment in Superficial Mycotic Infection

  22. 伊曲康唑治疗浅部真菌病的疗效

    Efficacy of itraconazole in treatment of superficial mycoses

  23. 结论特比萘芬乳膏与咪康唑霜对皮肤浅部真菌病均有疗效,且两者疗效相仿。

    Conclusion Both the terbinafine and miconazole creams are similarly effective on superficial mycosis .

  24. 柳州医专大学生浅部真菌感染调查

    Survey of infectious status of superficial mycosis in the students of Liuzhou Medical School

  25. 某些个体因素在浅部真菌病感染中的作用探讨

    Approached to the role of some factors of individual in the Superficial dermatomycosis infections

  26. 3种抗真菌药物治疗浅部真菌病240例临床探讨

    Clinical observation of 3 antifungal creams in treating the 240 patients with superficial mycoses

  27. 复方联苯苄唑液治疗浅部真菌病双盲对照研究

    Treatment of Superficial Mycosis with Compound Bifonazole Solution : A Double-blind Controlled Clinical Trial

  28. 国产布替萘芬喷雾剂治疗浅部真菌病的随机双盲对照试验

    Self-made butenafine hydrochloride spray in treatment of superficial mycosis : a randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial

  29. 嘉瑞乳膏治疗皮肤浅部真菌病178例疗效观察

    The curative effect observation on butenafine hydrochloride cream for treating skin superficial mycosis of 178 cases

  30. 体征及真菌学的变化。结果嘉瑞乳膏治疗皮肤浅部真菌病有效率为94.4%。

    Result The efficacy of butenafine hydrochloride cream for treating skin superficial mycosis was 94.4 % ;