
  1. 浑江梯级水电站设计标准问题

    The Design Standard Problems of Hun River Cascade Hydroelectric Generating Stations

  2. 非汛期浑江梯级电站经济运行分析

    The Economic Operation Analysis on Hunjiang Cascade Hydropower Stations during Non-flood Period

  3. 浑江桓仁水库径流特性分析

    Analysis of Hunjiang river runoff characteristics in Huanren reservoir

  4. 并绘制了浑江煤田推覆构造演化模式图。

    The nappe structure model map of Hunjiang Coalfield was drawn . 6 .

  5. 浑江煤田褶皱主要以向斜为主,具有复式褶皱的特点。

    The folds are mainly synclines , which have the characteristic of complex folds .

  6. 浑江电厂安全稳定控制装置的研究

    Transient stability control of Hunjiang power plant

  7. 浑江煤田石炭二叠纪含煤岩系层序地层与聚煤作用(即石炭二叠纪)大石炭纪

    Sequence Stratigraphy and Coal Accumulation for Coal Measures of the Carboniferous-Permian in Hunjiang Coal Field

  8. 浑江断裂带及水系的分形特征和构造活动性研究

    Study on fractal characteristics of Hunjiang fault zone and drainage systems and activity of tectonic

  9. 吉林浑江地区奥陶纪新厂阶笔石序列&兼论寒武-奥陶系界线

    Xinchangian ( early ordovician ) graptolite sequence in Hunjiang area of Jilin with comments on Cambrian-Ordovician boundary

  10. 辽宁省宽甸县浑江流域肺吸虫病流行情况及血清流行病学病原生物学探讨

    A survey of epidemiology seroepidemiology and etiology of paragonimiasis in Hunjiang valley of Kuandian County of Liaoning Province

  11. 在浑江发电公司的实际应用表明该软件具有绘图准确、出图速度快,规划图清晰易懂,修改便利等特点,大大提高了机组检修工程的工作效率。

    The application also proves that the efficiency of the maintenance can be improved obviously by using this software .

  12. 本文初步探讨了吉林浑江晚前寒武纪丝状藻类与沉积环境的关系。

    This paper discusses preliminarily the relationship between Terminal Precambrian filamentous algae and their sedimentary environment in Hunjiang , Jilin .

  13. 吉林浑江金矿床的形成条件与成矿机制研究

    Study on condition of the forming of Hun Jiang Gold Deposit of Jilin Province and the mechanism of its mineralization

  14. 根据演化特征不同,将浑江煤田推覆构造的演化历史分成四个主要时期。

    According to the different evolution characteristics , the nappe structure evolution history of Hunjiang Coalfield was divided four main periods .

  15. 首次提出了逆冲推覆构造控煤样式、重力滑覆构造控煤样式是浑江煤田主要控煤构造样式。

    The thrust nappe structure and gravitational sliding structure are the main coal control structure patterns were proposed for the first time .

  16. 浑江发电公司实施战略人力资源管理已成为一种趋势,一种方向,一种需要。

    Hunjiang Power Company implements the strategy human resources management to become one kind of tendency , one kind of direction , one kind of need .

  17. 浑江煤田聚煤主要受成煤前区域构造、同沉积构造和成煤后构造的控制和影响。

    The coal-accumulation process of Hunjiang Coalfield was mainly controlled by regional structure before coal forming , synsedimentary structure during coal forming and structural movement after coal forming .

  18. 该理论的研究以及预测区的确定,对浑江煤田煤炭资源的勘探、开发将起到重要的指导作用,具有重要的实用价值和应用价值。

    The study of nappe structures and the determination of forecasting areas will play an instruction role in the coal resource prospecting and developing in Hunjiang Coalfield and have important practical use and application value .