
  • 网络purkinje fiber;Pukinje fiber
  1. 溶血磷脂酰胆碱对缺血条件下羊浦肯野纤维If电流的影响

    Effect 0f lysophosphatidylcholine on the pacemaker current i_f of sheep cardial Purkinje fibers in ischemia-like condition

  2. 绵羊心浦肯野纤维d-受体和β-受体激动时离子流Isi和Ix的变化

    Changes of ISI and IX in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers during alpha - and beta - adrenoceptor excitation

  3. 目的和方法:用双微电极电压钳技术,观察腺苷(adenosine,Ad)对绵羊心室浦肯野纤维起搏离子流1f的影响。

    Aim and Methods : By using two microelectrode voltage clamp technique , to observe the effects of adenosine ( Ad ) on pacemaker current I f were examined in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers .

  4. 当绵羊心浦肯野纤维α-和β-受体分别激动时,用双微电极法电压箝制术研究慢内向离子流Isi和延迟整流外向离子流Ix的变化。

    When alpha - and beta - adrenoceptors were activated respectively in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres , changes of the slow inward current ( Isi ) and delayed rectifier current ( Ix ) were studied by using two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique .

  5. 胺碘酮抑制缺血浦肯野纤维起搏离子流

    Amiodarone Inhibits the Pacemaker Current in Ischemia - like Condition

  6. 羊心脏浦肯野纤维膜钠泵活动的测量

    Measurement of Sodium Pump Activity in Sheep Cardiac Purkinje Fibres

  7. 正常与部分除极的心脏浦肯野纤维膜钠泵活动的比较

    Sodium-pump activity in partly depolarized cardiac purkinje 's fibres

  8. 六种强心甙对羊心脏浦肯野纤维钠泵活动的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effects of 6 cardiac glycosides on sodium pump in sheep Purkinje fibers Activities

  9. 方法:绵羊浦肯野纤维细胞内微电极记录跨膜电位法。

    METHODS : Using intracellular microelectrode methods to record transmembrane potentials in sheep Purkinje fibers .

  10. 羊心浦肯野纤维钠泵活动与动作电位长度关系

    On the Relationship Between Sodium & Pump and Action Potential Duration in Cardiac Purkinje Fibres

  11. α1受体激动对浦肯野纤维延迟后除极的双相效应

    Biphasic Effects of α _1-Adrenoceptor Activation on the Delayed After Depolarization in Sheep Cardiac Purkinje Fibers

  12. 利用微电极技术记录离体猪心浦肯野纤维动作电位的实验观察

    Experimental Observation of Purkinje Fiber Action Potential Recorded by Microelectrode from the Hearts of Pigs in Vitro

  13. 缺血引起的绵羊浦肯野纤维跨膜电位与离子流变化

    The changes of transmembrane potential and ionic currents induced by " ischemia " in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers

  14. 浦肯野纤维与非器质性室性心律失常不同培养基对小鼠小脑浦肯野细胞发育的影响

    Purkinje fibers and ventricular arrhythmia without structural heart disease Development of Mouse Cerebellar Purkinje Cells in Different Media in vitro

  15. 在左心室条束可记录到心室肌细胞、浦肯野纤维和移行细胞的跨膜静息电位和动作电位。

    In the left ventricular band , transmembrane potentials of the ventricular myocardial , purkinje and transitional fiber were recorded .

  16. 结论:腺苷对浦肯野纤维自律活动在正常和缺血液中都有抑制作用,大量儿茶酚胺只能部分逆转缺血抑制效应。

    Conclusion : Ad has an inhibitory effect on the ventricular automaticity of Purkinje fibers both in normal and ischemia solution and a large dose of catecholamine can only partly reverse its inhibitory effect .

  17. 表明在急性心肌缺血时,虽然局部儿茶酚胺大量积聚产生β-受体过度激活,然而单纯这一因素并不能导致浦肯野纤维的正常自律活动异常增强。

    These results suggested that although there was a local accumulation of catecholamine and β - adrenoceptor over-activation in acute myocardial ischemia , they did not result in abnormal increase of the normal rhythmic activity of Purkinje fibers .

  18. 氟对心脏浦肯野氏纤维电活动的影响

    Effect of fluoride on electrical activity in purkinje fibres

  19. 浦肯野氏纤维的自发节律活动对温度的依赖性明显;

    The effects of temperature on the rhythmic activity of Purkinje fibers ( PF ) were significant .