
fú yún
  • floating clouds
浮云 [fú yún]
  • (1) [floating clouds]

  • (2) 飘浮在天空中的云彩

  • 浮云为我阴,悲风为我旋。--元. 关汉卿《窦娥冤》

  • (3) 比喻飘忽不定,未有定处

  • 浮云游子意,落日故人情。--唐. 李白《送友人》

浮云[fú yún]
  1. 那些由浮云记录下来的花事。

    Incidents of flowers recorded by the floating clouds .

  2. 神马都是浮云,戒烟才是王道!

    God horses are floating clouds and quit smoking is the most important .

  3. 朵朵浮云在空中飘过。

    Clouds drifted across the sky .

  4. 浮云慢慢飘过月亮。

    A cloud swam slowly across the moon .

  5. 最终,在大肆炒作的浮云之后,开始浮现出真正的SOA经验。

    At the end of the day it seems that behind the hype cloud , real SOA experiences are starting to emerge .

  6. 舞会临近结束时,身穿迪奥女裙的凯拉•肯尼迪脱去自己的高跟鞋,然后缓缓地躺到红地毯上,动作优雅之极。拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)冰蓝色长裙的卷曲褶皱如朵朵浮云散落在她身旁四周。

    Towards the end of the evening , the Dior-clad Kyra Kennedy kicked off her heels and sank gracefully on to the carpeted floor , the crispy folds of her ice-blue gown , designed by Raf Simons , splayed in a voluminous cloud around her .

  7. 树会成长、变化、老去,就跟天空的浮云一样。我不也是一朵云吗?

    Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins .

  8. 我若是一朵轻捷的浮云,能随你同飞。

    If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee ;

  9. 因为昨晚过后,羞耻心对我来说就是浮云

    because after last night , I am impenetrable to shame .

  10. 裸考是神马?一切都是浮云。

    Naked exam is god horse ? Everything is fleeting .

  11. 有一条条浮云的天空.一朵浮云遮住了月亮。

    A sky barred with clouds A cloud came over the moon .

  12. 轻如微风,柔若浮云。

    Light as a breeze , soft as a cloud .

  13. 若浮云如人,人亦如浮云,

    If clouds are beings , and beings are clouds ,

  14. 对有些人来说,爱像一朵浮云。

    Oh , love to some is like a cloud .

  15. 可以仰望飞翔的小鸟;观赏空中的浮云。

    Follow the flight of a bird ; watch clouds float overhead .

  16. 上可以劈天上的浮云,下可以斩除地上所有的障碍。

    It can cleave cloud in the sky and chop off all obstacles .

  17. 如羽毛四处飘散,那曾是我眼中的浮云。

    And feather canyons everywhere , I 've looked at cloud that way .

  18. 眼见每片飘过的浮云展现出银帆般的丰韵。

    And at every drifting cloud that went With sails of silver by .

  19. 悲伤或快乐的为一个疯子来说都是浮云而已。

    Sad or happy for a mad man speaking all is floating clouds just .

  20. 当浮云洒泪时让我继续冷吧!

    Keeps me cool when the clouds cry !

  21. 您看上去像一只正唱歌的小鸟;我像一朵浮云独自遨游。

    Your looks is a singing bird . I wandered lonely as a cloud .

  22. “浮云”则指转瞬即逝的事物。

    " cloud " refers to something ephemeral .

  23. 浮云悠悠地飘过天空。

    The clouds passed lazily across the sky .

  24. 也许它只是浮云,但是--

    Maybe it was swamp gas , but --

  25. 人们从游戏一开始就抱怨排名这玩意是浮云。

    People have been complaining since the start that the current rankings are useless .

  26. 用不正当的手段得来的财富和地位,在我看来,这就像浮云一样虚缈。

    Wealth and position obtained by unrighteous means are to me , floating clouds .

  27. 其他的都只是浮云。

    The rest was just noise all along .

  28. 他自称是一个哲学家,把世上的一切,都看成过眼浮云,连荣誉也不例外。

    He declared himself a philosopher , who had given up eveything , glory included .

  29. 我虽时常心如磐石,但也时常心如浮云。

    Although my heart often as a rock , but also often as floating clouds .

  30. 我像一朵浮云独自漫游

    I wander 'd lonely as a cloud