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fú xiàn
  • appear before one's eyes;emerge;raise;drift
浮现 [fú xiàn]
  • (1) [emerge]∶显露

  • (2) [appear before ones eyes]∶[过去经历的事情] 再次在脑子里显现

  • 往事又浮现在眼前

浮现[fú xiàn]
  1. 你从所有的事物中浮现,

    You emerge from the things

  2. 我们的关系在此时经历了未解决的痛苦或隐藏的自己,当我们闭上眼睛,痛苦就浮现,这是自我寻找爱与满足的孤独成长时刻,这是治疗时刻,也是男人去洞穴冬眠,女人沉入波浪之底的时刻。

    It is a time and relationships we experience only unresolved pain or our shadow self . It is when our lid comes off and our painful feeling emerge . It is a time of solitary in their caves and women sink to the bottom of their wells .

  3. 她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。

    Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced .

  4. 我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。

    An idea suddenly floated into my mind .

  5. 这使得更广泛的争论浮现了出来。

    It 's brought to the surface a much wider controversy .

  6. 皮特的脸上重新浮现出笑容,但却狰狞可怕。

    Pitt 's smile returned , and it was hideously diabolic .

  7. 怀旧的微笑慢慢浮现在她脸上。

    A slow , reminiscent smile spread over her face .

  8. 一丝怀旧的微笑浮现在她的脸上。

    A faint smile of reminiscence appeared on her face ..

  9. 从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。

    From the files that have now been released , a truer picture emerges .

  10. 他闭上眼睛时,几乎他一生中经历的每一件事情都会真切地浮现在他的脑海。

    When he closed his eyes , he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life

  11. 一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。

    When we think of adventurers , many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole .

  12. 浮现笑容。

    One 's face lit up with a smile .

  13. 他的面容浮现在我面前。

    His image rose before me .

  14. 往事浮现在我眼前。

    Scenes of the past rose before my eyes . ; The past came back to my mind . ; My mind flashed back to scenes of the past .

  15. 小女孩脸上浮现出一丝笑容。

    A smile emerged on the little girl 's face .

  16. 为拨动思绪,记者的脑海里莫名其妙地浮现出一首诗。

    To chime the notes of his emotion , a verse mysteriously entered the correspondent 's head .

  17. 设计和销售互动广告的BrightLineITV认为该领域的利润已经初步浮现,它预计自己的收入本年将会增长到三倍。

    BrightLine iTV , which designs and sells interactive ads , says interest has surged : it expects its revenues almost to triple this year .

  18. 读到故事结尾,我的脑海里一直浮现着最后的大团圆场景,直到想象中的我和我丢失的狗一起奔跑起来。

    At the end of the story , my mind continued the final scene of reunion , on and on , until my own lost dog and I were , in my mind , running together .

  19. 各种馅饼、水果和蔬菜的照片浮现在我的脑海里。我等不及了!

    Pictures of different pies , fruit and vegetables came into my mind . I couldn 't wait !

  20. 他的衣服还有手中的匕首都清楚地出现在我面前,刹那间往事浮现在我脑海里。

    I could clearly see the details of his clothes , the knife , and then history caught up with me .

  21. 我清楚地记得那天客店来了一位老海员——他现在就浮现在我眼前。

    I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman came to stay-I can almost see him in front of me as I write .

  22. 这些年,我去了全国14个集中连片特困地区,乡亲们愚公移山的干劲,广大扶贫干部倾情投入的奉献,时常浮现在脑海。

    These years , I have visited 14 contiguous areas of dire30 poverty . The unremitting efforts of the folks and the wholehearted contribution of the poverty-eradication cadres often come to my mind .

  23. 安德鲁·马维尔的一句诗浮现在我的脑海里,“坟墓是个隐密的好地方,但没人会在那里拥抱吧,我想。”但愿这不是真的。

    A line from a poem by Andrew Marvell crossed my mind - " The grave is a fine and private place but none , I think , do there embrace . " I hoped it wasn 't true .

  24. 一想到IBM,人们脑海中可能立即浮现出穿着白衬衣的中年男人的形象。

    The name IBM may conjure up images of white-shirted , middle-aged men .

  25. 发呆(Backgroundprocessing).每天都写业余项目的一个有趣的副作用就是当前业余项目的任务会频繁地在你大脑中浮现。

    Background processing . An interesting side effect of writing side project code every day is that your current task is frequently running in the back of your mind .

  26. 随着喷绘技术的进步以及计算技术3D技术的发展,浮现出越来越多的三维喷绘作业需求。

    With the improvement of the printing technology and the development of the computer 3D simulation , more and more 3D printing requirement become burst .

  27. 最终,在大肆炒作的浮云之后,开始浮现出真正的SOA经验。

    At the end of the day it seems that behind the hype cloud , real SOA experiences are starting to emerge .

  28. 从这个研究浮现出来的网络就是我们熟知的Internet的基础,这期间开发出来的协议就是TCP/IP协议族。

    The networks which emerged from this research became the basis for what we know as the Internet , and the protocols developed during this time became known as the TCP / IP Protocol Suite .

  29. 在追求女孩屡屡碰壁的时候,莫名地,Cascades的那首歌曲就浮现在他的脑海中。

    The Cascades ` song somehow came to him when he was pursuing the girl but getting no response .

  30. 这样会禁用MMI,并且每个方法都是在第一次碰到时进行编译,这样,问题就可能早些浮现出来。

    MMI is disabled and each method is compiled the very first time it is encountered , and problemsmay surface earlier .