
hǎi jūn zhǔn jiànɡ
  • commodore
  1. 英国海军准将布伦登(JeremyBlunden)说,被称为“联合行动部队151”的国际海军部队加大了对无人机和其他情报收集资源的使用,使他们能够更好地部署战舰拦截海盗。布伦登目前负责“联合行动部队151”。

    The international naval force known as Task Force 151 stepped up its use of drones and other intelligence gathering resources , allowing them to better position warships to intercept pirates , said Commodore Jeremy Blunden , the British naval officer currently in charge of the fleet .

  2. 被里根总统授予海军准将的军衔。

    Was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan .

  3. 后来,1853年,海军准将佩里率领的四艘美国战舰来到日本,拒不离开。

    Then in 1853 came four American warships under Commodore Perry , and refused to be driven away .

  4. 他倡导与日本之间的贸易往来,还派海军准将马休·佩里前往日本建立外交关系。

    He championed the rising trade with Japan and sent Commodore Matthew C. Perry to establish relations with the Japanese .

  5. 美国海军准将,培里,打破了德川日本的锁国政策,以剥削利用日本的资源。

    American Commodore , Perry , broke to sakoku policy of Tokugawa Japan in the hope of exploiting the resources of Japan .

  6. 在美国海军准将伯理「造访」后,日本被迫签定了一系列不平等条约,包括给予西方列强特权,如同他们在中国一样。

    After the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry , the country was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties , which , as in China , gave Western nations special privileges in Japan .