
  1. 基于多时相Landsat遥感影像的海州露天煤矿排土场植被时空特征分析低变质烟煤加氢增塑过程中岩相特征变化试验研究

    Monitoring of temporal and spatial change of vegetation in waste dump of Haizhou opencast coal mine area using multi-temporal Landsat remote sensing images The experimental research on petrological transformation of low rank coal during its enhancement of plastic characteristics by hydrogenation

  2. 海州露天煤矿排土场土地复垦研究

    The Study of Land Reclamation on Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  3. 海州露天煤矿排土场土壤现状评价

    Analysis of soil condition on Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  4. 阜新海州露天煤矿排土场植被与土壤环境关系

    Relationships between plant and soil at Haizhou mine waste dump in Fuxin

  5. 海州露天煤矿滑坡综合整治

    Combinative Support of Landslide in Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  6. 海州露天煤矿非工作帮边坡稳定性分析安太堡露天煤矿生态重建植被演替规律

    Analysis of Stability of the Footwall Slope in Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  7. 本文采用摄影方法在海州露天煤矿对台阶爆破破碎块度进行了测量。

    The fragmental degree under bench blasting is measured with the photographic method at the Haizhou opencut coal nine .