
  • 网络Hays Code;production code;Motion Picture Production Code;THE HAYS PRODUCTION CODE
  1. 这句台词违反了《海斯法典》,好莱坞的道德审查手册里面规定了哪些可以,哪些不可以被搬上银幕。

    The line contravened the Hays Code , Hollywood 's moral censorship guide , which dictated what could and could not be mentioned on screen .

  2. 社会规范要求对文艺中不合法的表达进行限制,美国电影为了应对国家严格的电影审查制度,自律制定了电影限禁的检查制度&海斯法典。

    Social standard requirement of art expression in illegal restriction , American film in order to deal with the state exercises strict film censorship , self-discipline formulated the movie the censorship-limited Hays code .

  3. 本章主要分析了海斯法典出台的背景、内容以及当时人们对于它的态度。三,电影被禁与开禁的深层原因分析。

    This chapter mainly analyzes the background of the Hays code issued for people back then , content and its manner . Third , the analysis of the the deep reasons for the banned and unbanned movie .