
  • 网络Heart of the Ocean;The Heart of Ocean;In the Heart of the Sea;voyages;Under the Sea
  1. 重新切割成心形,叫“海洋之心”。

    recut into a heart-like shape that became known as " Heart of the Ocean " .

  2. 我想知道,“海洋之心”你们找到没有?

    I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet , Mr. Lovett .

  3. 麦克唐纳创立的海洋之心基金会致力于为那些住在医院里的孩子们提供各种娱乐活动,他希望明年驾驶这艘船横渡大西洋。“以古代北欧海盗的方式横渡大西洋是我最终的目标”。

    Helps provide leisure activities for children in hospitals , hopes to sail his Viking ship across the Atlantic next year .

  4. 当那颗海洋之心缓缓坠入海洋之时,我知道,故事结束了。永远。

    When the " heart of the ocean " have gone down with the ship , I know , The story has over , forever .

  5. 2.:宁愿,宁可不过,我还是宁愿作那头潜在海洋的黑暗之心的野兽。3.:精神饱满的

    eg. Still I would rather be that beast down there in the darkness of the sea .