
  • 网络Marine Environmental Management
  1. 在我国,区域海洋环境管理涉及的主体包括政府、企业和社会。

    In China , the bodies of regional marine environmental management involve government , business and society .

  2. 将区域海洋环境管理的协调机制概括为协调主体、契约、组织机构、运行模式及激励工具五方面内容。

    Regional marine environmental management coordination mechanism includes coordinating bodies , contracts , organizations , operation mode and motivational tools .

  3. 为胶南海域沿岸污水排海选址,海洋环境管理提供动力条件,基于变边界河口、陆架、海洋(ECOM)模式,模拟了胶南近岸海域三维潮流场。

    Based on a3-d estuary coastal and ocean model ( ECOM model ) with a variable boundary , the3-D tidal current field in the offshore area of Jiaonam is simulated .

  4. 海洋环境管理中的政府行为分析

    Analysis of Government Behavior in the marine Environment Management

  5. 海洋环境管理模型及应用研究

    A Model on Marine Environment Management and Its Application

  6. 海洋环境管理的理论思考

    A theoretical thought on marine environment management

  7. 瑞典的海岸与海洋环境管理

    Swedish Coastal and Marine Environment Management

  8. 该模型在近海海洋环境管理上具有实用价值。

    This model can be applied to the management of the marine environment in the estuary and coastal sea area .

  9. 制定和完善海洋环境管理政策体系,是实现海洋资源环境可持续开发与利用的重要问题。

    Formulating and perfecting the management system of ocean environment has become an important problem in sustainable development and utilization .

  10. 但要实现区域海洋环境管理,必须依靠各管理主体的共同作用。

    However , to achieve regional marine environmental management , we must rely on the joint action of the management body .

  11. 最后,以此为基础,分析了两国海洋环境管理体制的特征、各自的薄弱点和长处。

    Finally , the characteristics of their marine environmental management , their respective strengths and weaknesses are analyzed based on the above study .

  12. 如今,海洋环境管理正朝着管理主体及管理手段、管理方式多元化的方向发展。

    Currently , the management of the marine environment is developing in the direction of diversification & more management subjects and more management means .

  13. 而且,信息的缺乏还会使公众对海洋环境管理的无知,致使对政府监督的缺失等等。

    Moreover , for lack of information , the public will be ignorant of the management of marine environment and lose the right of supervising .

  14. 由此实现环境法学领域的先进成果在海洋环境管理领域的应用,为建立起海洋环境损害自身特有的、科学的体制做出理论铺垫。

    According to these research , it is expected that the advanced theory in the field of science of environmental protection law are applied to marine environmental administration .

  15. 然后分别对中国、韩国海洋环境管理进行对比研究,包括中韩两国海洋环境价值观、法律、政策、行政管理以及实施海洋管理的现状。

    Then , the two countries ' marine environmental values , laws , policies , administration , as well as the status of implementation of ocean management are compared .

  16. 从政府内部、政府和企业间以及政府和社会间不协调概括我国区域海洋环境管理的不协调问题。

    Then the problem of disharmony in regional marine environment management is summarized from three aspects as follows , between the government , between government and business , between government and society .

  17. 本文认为两国都非常关注国际上海洋环境管理方面的发展趋势和变革,并为建立先进的海洋环境管理体制不断进行各方面的改革。

    This article holds that the two countries have concerned about the international management of the marine environment and the development trend of change , and made great efforts to establish advanced management system .

  18. 因此,处理好各管理主体的关系,构建良好的区域海洋环境管理协调机制,成为保护我国海洋环境,维护海洋生态的当务之急。

    Therefore , to handle the relationship between the management body , and build a good regional marine environmental management coordination mechanism is urgent for protecting our marine environment and preserving the marine ecology .

  19. 近年来,基于生态系统的海洋环境管理理念为沿海各国所接受和倡导,这种理念指导下的区域海洋环境管理模式自然受到越来越广泛的关注。

    In recent years , the concept of ecosystem-based management of marine environment is accepted and advocated by coastal countries . Under the guidance of this concept , regional marine environment management is naturally more and more concerned .

  20. 随着实践的发展,海洋环境管理在不断的发生变化的同时呈现出许多问题,这些问题的出现许多都同海洋环境管理的信息不对称有关。

    With the development of the practice , the management of the marine environment has a lot of problems with its constant change . The emergence of these problems is related with the information asymmetries in the management of the marine environment .

  21. 文摘:简要介绍了瑞典海岸与海洋环境管理机构的情况,包括国家的管理体制,尤其是在油污防备与反应以及海面溢油监视、清理和回收方面的做法和经验。

    Abstract : something about Swedish coastal and marine environment administrations is introduced in brief , including administrational regime of the country , especially its means and experience in oil pollution prevention measures as well as oil spill surveillance , cleanup and recovery .

  22. 但在政府进行海洋环境管理的过程中又会产生寻租行为,导致海洋环境管理的低效率。

    It 's virtually impossible for market regulation to internalize external cost , and it must rely on government , but the rent seeking conducts care produced along with governmental management of environment , and that leads to decrease efficiency of environmental management .

  23. 《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》于2009年修订发布后,海事管理机构面临着如何充分、合理履行其船舶溢油清污法定职责的问题。

    After the revision and promulgation of Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Vessel-induced Sea Pollution From Marine Environment in 2009 , Maritime Administrations are confronted with the problems on how to properly and sufficiently fulfill their legal duties on the handling of oil spill from vessels .

  24. 海洋环境分类管理分级控制区划理论体系研究

    Study on the system info of classification management of marine environment

  25. 渤海海洋环境数据管理与统计分析程序库系统

    The management and statistical analysis program system for marine environmental data in the Bohai Sea

  26. 通过应用实例表明,该系统可以成为海洋环境信息管理中可视化分析处理的有力工具。

    The application shows this system could be used as a powerful visualization analysis tool in ocean environmental information analysis and management .

  27. 近年来,中国逐步建立了海洋环境保护管理体制。国家环境保护部门主管全国海洋环境保护工作;

    In recent years , an administration system for marine environmental protection has been gradually set up : State environmental protection departments are in charge of marine environmental protection for the whole country ;

  28. 现在这种趋势更加明显,代表了未来相当长时期内发展的大方向,对全球及各国的海洋环境与资源管理具有重大影响。

    Now , this trend gets still more obvious , which stands for a major development direction in the quite long time to come and brings great influence on the marine environment and resources mangement of all coastal countries .

  29. 第四部分是海洋突发环境事件应急管理多元主体参与模式的构建。

    The fourth part is the construction of multiple subject participate model .

  30. 海洋环境灾害综合风险管理

    Integrated Risk Administration and Emergency Decision-making of Marine Environmental Hazards