
  • 【水】marine energy resources
  1. 福建沿岸及其岛屿的海洋能资源探讨

    An approach on potential ocean energy resources in Fujian coast and its islands waters

  2. 本文给出了我国各类海洋能资源(潮汐、波浪、潮流、温差、盐差和海流能)蕴藏量粗略的估算结果。

    The estimated reserves of various ocean energy sources in our country , such as tide , wave , current , tidal current , ocean thermal energy and salinity gradient energy are given in this paper .

  3. 我国海岸线长,海域广阔,其中蕴藏着丰富的海洋能资源,通过开发这些海洋可再生能源,不仅有益于我国建设环境友好型资源节约型社会,亦可直接为我国沿海城市和近海岛屿提供电力。

    China has long coastlines and the vast ocean area could provide us with the abundant ocean energy . The development of those ocean renewable resources could not only be helpful for building a friendly energy saving society but also offer some power to the coastal areas .

  4. 青岛市地处夏热冬暖地区,拥有丰富的太阳能资源,风力资源,海洋能资源,长期以来由于对化石能源的依赖,忽略了新能源的利用与开发。

    Located in a hot summer and warm winter region , Qingdao City owns abundant solar energy resources , wind force resources and ocean energy resources . Because of the dependence on the fossil energy , it is neglected to use and explore new energy resources for a long time .