
hǎi liú
  • ocean current;seawater
海流 [hǎi liú]
  • [current] 湖水或海水中常常发生的潮汐或非潮汐的水平运动

  • 大西洋的拉布拉多海流

海流[hǎi liú]
  1. AUV在近水面航行时,复杂的海流、海浪干扰将使其精确航向控制更加困难。

    It is more difficult to achieve the accuracy heading control for AUV when it navigates near surface under the influences of ocean current and ocean waves .

  2. 计算陆架风海流的一种模式

    A model for calculating wind-driven ocean current on continental shelf

  3. 四阶累积量的MUSIC算法在海流测向中的应用

    Application of FO-MUSIC Algorithms to Direction-Finding of Ocean Current

  4. 155°E赤道海流夏季基本特征

    Summery basic features of the equatorial currents at 155 ° e

  5. 西北太平洋137°E断面海流的纬向体积输送

    Zonal volume transports at 137 ° e in the northwestern Pacific

  6. GPS与基于海流数据库的推算船位的数据融合

    Data Fusion Between GPS and Calculation of Position Based Ocean Database

  7. 海流规律与GPS定位技术在海底管道浮拖就位中的应用

    Applications of Ocean Current Law and GPS Location Technology on Dragging of Submarine Pipeline

  8. 基于ARM的声学海流剖面仪信号模拟器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Signal Simulator Based on SPI Bus Technology

  9. 本文试图以海流GIS分析为突破口,开展海洋的GIS应用研究。

    Take marine current GIS analysis as a key , this paper tries to develop GIS application study in oceanography field .

  10. 海流数据信息管理子系统采用基于MVC模式的J2EE架构。

    Ocean current data management subsystem is based on J2EE architecture of MVC model .

  11. 在分析基于特征的时空数据模型时,采用了面向对象技术和统一建模语言UML来对其进行描述,并将格网模型应用到海流的表达上,取得了很好的效果。

    The Object-Oriented technology and the Unified Modeling Language are used for description when analyzing feature-based temporal-spatial model .

  12. 本文构造了基于GPS的水面导航信息融合子系统和基于海流数据库的水下导航信息融合子系统。

    In this paper a surface data fusion subsystem based on GPS and a underwater data fusion subsystem based on ocean database are constituted .

  13. 海流作用在立管结构上时,会产生涡激振动(Vortex-InducedVibration,VIV)。

    When the current exerts on the risers , the vortex-induced vibration ( VIV ) may occur .

  14. SLY(1-1)型声学多普勒海流计

    Model sly_ ( 1-1 ) acoustic Doppler current meter

  15. ANSYS有限元软件可以方便地计算平台结构在波浪、海流载荷下的动力响应和疲劳寿命,是进行平台设计和校核的有效工具。

    The ANSYS software is suitable for the dynamic-analysis and fatigue analysis of offshore platform , and it is an effective tool in the platform design .

  16. 系统采用ADCP剖面海流计、S4浪流潮仪等先进传感器。

    The system use ADCP , S4 , and other advanced instruments .

  17. 2008年8&9月份吕宋海峡西南侧锚定ADCP的斜压海流观测

    Baroclinic currents observed by mooring ADCP in southwest Luzon Strait during August-September 2008

  18. 另外,在这支上面提到的海流路径上31°N附近有时会出现逆流,这主要受对马暖流流入朝鲜海峡的流量大小控制。

    Sometimes a countercurrent appears on the path of the above mentioned current near 31 ° N , which is mainly controled by the flow of the Tsushima Current passing through the Korea Strait .

  19. 利用ARGO浮标提取中层海流信息研究

    A Study on the Acquirability of Mid-Depth Current Information by the ARGO Float

  20. 基于现有的几种海流计算方法,根据与P矢量法相同的动力特性和内在假设,对海流计算提出了一种简单、高效、易扩展、适用范围广的新方法:非线性共轭梯度法。

    Based on several methods of geostrophic velocity calculation , nonlinear conjugate gradient method is introduced . Sharing the same dynamical characteristics and inherent hypotheses with PV method , this approach is simple , effective , easy-expanded and wide-applicable .

  21. 采用快速离散傅立叶变换(FFT)、潮流调和分析以及小波(wavelet)变换等方法,分析了一个位于大陆架边缘海域定点连续观测站上的海流记录。

    Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ), Tidal Current Harmonic Analysis ( TCHA ), and Wavelet Transform ( WT ) are used to analyze current observations in the continental shelf sea area .

  22. 提出了一种在DVL数据失效的情况下,海流信息辅助AUV导航的方法。

    Propose an auxiliary method of AUV navigation when the DVL data in case of failure .

  23. 地下水在多孔土层中渗流速度的达西(Darcy)公式是用实验方法得到的。该公式适用于均质各向同性土层中的海流计算,但对各向异性土层中的渗流计算,则不能直接采用。

    The Darcy formula of the velocity of the infiltration flow of ground water through porous soil is obtained by means of experimental methods .

  24. X波段岸基雷达和航海雷达不仅可用于监视海上移动目标,而且也可以用来进行海浪和海流的测量。

    The x ‐ band radar and sailing shore ‐ based radar can not only be used to monitor moving targets at sea , but also can be used for the measurement of waves and currents .

  25. 仿真结果表明,ADRC可以实现AUV运动控制的精确性、鲁棒性和稳定性,能够克服海流等干扰的影响,相比传统PID控制器,自抗扰控制器的控制效果更好。

    Results show that the ADRC can implement AUV control with accuracy , robustness , and stability , and overcome the influence of such interference current .

  26. 近岸低频波浪的Boussinesq模拟重现期法进行近岸海区风生海流计算的应用

    Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone ; Application of Wind-driven Current Calculation in Return Period in Offshore

  27. 在500m处,海流观测期间平均速度为(20.3cm/s,350°)。

    The average velocity in the observing days is ( 20.3 cm / s , 350 °) at the 500 m levels .

  28. 春季、夏季和冬季多样性指数(H′)等值线分布全面反映了东海海流走向和水团的变化,是分析东海水团的良好指标。

    The isoline distribution of H ′ value reflected the direction of currents and changes in water masses in the East China Sea , the H ′ isoline was a good indicator for analyzing the East Sea cold masses .

  29. 声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)是最近十几年来迅速发展起来的一种新型海流计。

    Acoustic doppler current profiler ( ADCP ) is a current measurement device of new generation rapidly developed in the past decade .

  30. 通过LADCP海流资料分析确认研究区域黑潮与PN断面近似垂直。

    That the Kuroshio flowing along the vertical direction of PN section is approved byanalyzing current datum from LADCP .