
  • 网络The Beach Resort
  1. 一度荒废的BarceloBahoruco海滩度假村将在2014年部分开放,另外两个单独的地产项目各有300间客房,距离LaCanoa和SanRafael海滩很近,已经进入了设计审定的最后阶段。

    The abandoned former Barcelo Bahoruco Beach Resort will partly open in 2014 , and two separate 300-room projects - near La Canoa and San Rafael Beach - are in the final stages of design approval .

  2. 需要指出的是天使海滩度假村缓冲区的土壤环境受到化肥的影响,质量优于背景区。

    To be pointed out is that soil buffer area in the Angels Beach Resort is affected by chemical fertilizers , so its quality is superior to the background .

  3. 太平洋海啸预警中心没有发出预警或建议海滩度假村酒店,比如波多黎各天使酒店还有任何损坏的报告。

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had no warning or advisory in place and hotels in beach resorts like Puerto Angel also reported no damage .

  4. 其中,绝大部分取消是针对菲律宾著名海滩度假村长滩岛的,台湾游客是除韩国游客群外的第二大游客群。

    Most of the cancelations have hit the popular beach resort of Boracay in the central Philippines , where tourists from Taiwan are the second largest group of visitors , after South Koreans .

  5. 好消息是这个月你就可以实现这个愿望,在海滩度假村享受阳光、冲浪以及20至30摄氏度的温暖舒适,而且不必承受旺季的拥挤或高价。

    The good news is that you can do so this month , at beach getaways that promise sun , surf and temperatures in the 70s , 80s and 90s , but without the crowds or the high prices of the peak season .

  6. 照片上的她出现在伊比沙岛东南部的爱新星海滩的高档度假村。

    Photographs emerged of her at the upmarket resort of Cala Nova Beach on the south east of the island .

  7. 海滩沿岸,从生活方式度假村一直到与会安的交接之处,都已经完全私有化,主要的地块用于建设海滩度假村和海边别墅。

    The beach slide , which starts with Lifestyle Resort and ends in the border with Hoi An , is fully privatized , with major land used for constructing beach resorts and ocean villas .