
  • 网络pirate party
  1. 海盗党支持者“与绿党价值共成长”,特里尔大学政治学家UweJun说,但是绿党现在是一个正规的党派。

    Pirate supporters " grew up with green values ," says Uwe Jun , a political scientist at the University of Trier , but the Greens are now " an established , normal party " .

  2. 很难判定是否要认真对待海盗党还是寄希望于他们自己衰弱。

    It is hard to know whether to take the Pirates seriously or expect them to wilt .

  3. 海盗党在反对政客“职业化”运动的间隙中获益颇多,但是投票人可能反对业余政客。

    The Pirates benefit from a backlash against " professionalisation " of politics , but voters may tire of amateurs .

  4. 他们的灵感来自网络,海盗党认为没有公司和政府的妨碍网络就可以使世界更美好。

    Their spark comes from the internet , which the Pirates think will make the world a better place so long as companies and the state get out of the way .

  5. 在那之后,索马里陷入了激烈的部落冲突,也成为海盗和青年党武装分子的滋生地,令全世界为之忧心。

    Since then , Somalia has been ravaged by clan warfare , and feared worldwide as a breeding ground for pirates and al-Shabaab militants .