
hǎi mián dàn ɡāo
  • sponge cake
  1. 例句一般来说,做一个基本的海绵蛋糕,我们需要一杯面粉,一杯白糖和一杯黄油。

    As a rule of thumb , we need a cup of flower , a cup of sugar and a cup of butter to make a basic sponge cake .

  2. 敷果酱的海绵蛋糕,在葡萄酒中浸过,与奶油冻沙司一起食用。

    Jam-spread sponge cake soaked in wine served with custard sauce .

  3. 在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油。

    Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream

  4. 而一个叫AlfieRose的小男孩竟美梦成真了,因为他收到了一个按照他的模样等比例做成的巧克力海绵蛋糕。

    So for Alfie Rose , it was a dream come true when he was presented with a life-sized replica of himself made from chocolate sponge .

  5. 她做的海绵蛋糕很轻。

    Her sponge cakes are as light as air .

  6. 在馅饼和海绵蛋糕中,脂肪和面粉的比例是不同的。

    The proportion of fat to flour is different in pastry and sponge .

  7. 上撒果冻的海绵蛋糕薄片,然后卷起来。

    Thin sheet of sponge cake spread with jelly and then rolled up .

  8. 新型乳化发泡剂对海绵蛋糕质量的影响

    The Effect of New Type of Dairy Foaming Agent on Sponge Cake Quality

  9. 没有蛋黄的松软的海绵蛋糕。

    A light sponge cake made without egg yolks .

  10. 在环形模子里焙制的海绵蛋糕。

    A sponge cake baked in a ring mold .

  11. 我找到一些海绵蛋糕。

    I 've just found some sponge cake .

  12. 复合乳化剂提高海绵蛋糕质量的研究

    Improving Sponge Cake Quality with Compound Emulsifier

  13. 含有大量奶油、蛋、糖的意大利海绵蛋糕。

    Rich and delicate Italian sponge cake .

  14. 无脂肪海绵蛋糕,听上去像是个不可能完成的梦。

    Fat-Free SpongeSounds like an impossible dream , but this sponge really is fat free .

  15. 请带给我们两块海绵蛋糕。

    Bring us two sponge cakes .

  16. 我们要一份苹果派,一份冰激凌,两份海绵蛋糕。

    B : We want one apple pie , one ice cream and two sponge cakes .

  17. 手指形的小海绵蛋糕。

    Small finger-shaped sponge cake .

  18. 她非常喜欢巧克力,特别是巧克力饼干蛋糕、巧克力慕斯和巧克力海绵蛋糕。

    She absolutely loves chocolate , especially chocolate biscuit cake , chocolate mousse , and chocolate sponge cake .

  19. 柔软的海绵蛋糕胚富丽堂皇地夹着一层咖啡奶油霜,再刷上清淡的朗姆酒。

    Blank magnificent soft sponge cake sandwiched a layer of coffee cream to cream , painted on the light rum .

  20. 分别采用海绵蛋糕制作方法和一次发酵法制作仙人掌蛋糕和面包,并对它们的感官质量进行了评定。

    Sponge cake produce technique and standard straight process were applied to make cactus cake and bread before sensory quality test .

  21. 水果松糕是由蛋奶沙司、水果、海绵蛋糕、果汁和搅打过的奶油特制而成。

    Trifle is a dish made from thick custard , fruit , sponge cake , fruit juice , and whipped cream .

  22. 由咖啡和蛋酒奶油做成的松软海绵蛋糕,外面再撒上一层诱人的可可粉。

    Layers of sponge soaked with liqueur and coffee , filled with egg-nog and coffee cream , dusted with cocoa powder .

  23. 水果和海绵蛋糕放在下层,蛋奶沙司和奶油放在上层。

    These ingredients are usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge on the bottom , and custard and cream on top .

  24. 乳酪蛋糕是一种甜点,上层由新鲜松软的乳酪制作而成,下层可以饼干,酥皮或海绵蛋糕为底。

    Cheesecake is a dessert formed of a topping made with soft , fresh cheese upon a base make from biscuit , pastry or sponge .

  25. 这位68岁的老太太来自英格兰斯塔福郡鲁吉利镇。她已经以电影《星球大战》系列中的尤达大师以及《铁血战士》为主题,仅靠海绵蛋糕和糖衣,就制出了令人瞠目结舌的艺术蛋糕。

    The 68-year-old , from Rugeley , Staffs , has crafted jaw-dropping cakes featuring Yoda from Star Wars and Predator , from just sponge and icing .

  26. 这种沙拉打破了把沙拉装在盘里的惯例,各种蔬菜沙拉层层堆叠在大豆制作的“海绵蛋糕”内部。

    Instead of serving the vegetables in a bowl , the artist hides them within the layers of the ' sponge cake ' that is made from soybean .

  27. 在食品品质方面,烘焙食品(主要是海绵蛋糕和曲奇饼)所受的影响较小,而面条品质则发生显著劣变。

    As a result , the quality of bakery food ( including sponge cake and cookie ) wasn 't influenced much , but the noodle quality was notably deteriorated .

  28. 这个蛋糕重2英石(12.7千克),由很多层海绵蛋糕组成,外面裹上了巧克力酱和奶油糖霜,然后涂上可食用染料。

    The cake weighs two stone and was made from a dozen tiers of sponge which were then coated in chocolate and buttercream icing and airbrushed with edible food colouring .

  29. 医师会把性别写下,装进信封封好口,然后把信封交给制作聚会大蛋糕的蛋糕师或者一位好友。根据胎儿性别,做出粉色或者蓝色海绵蛋糕。

    Instead , the gender is written down and sealed in an envelope . The envelope is then passed to a baker or friend who makes a large celebration cake in either pink or blue sponge - depending on whether the couple are expecting a girl or a boy .

  30. 用海绵擦去车上的污泥。你再来点海绵蛋糕好吗?

    Sponge the mud spots off the car . Would you like some more sponge ?