- noise elimination;damping;soundproofing

[noise elimination] 消音
Usage and repair of noise elimination saver of WJ-3 ac contactor
Noise Elimination Method for Large System Fan in Underground Rail Transit
The rumour had to disappear before facts .
" Where did she come from ? " asked an astonished sprinting world , before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time , only to disappear again without signs .
Muffler is the conventional muffling device in the noise control of compressor .
Adaptive active noise control in ducts based on BP network
CAD of free sound field in an anechoic room and some of its deductions
Design and Implementation of a CAE Software for Exhaust System
The present authors have made CAD of free sound field in an anechoic room from formula of the image method .
A Transform Domain Filtered-X LMS Algorithm Applied to Adaptive Active Noise Control
An Intermittent RLS Algorithm Applied to Adaptive Active Noise Control
At last , experiments are carried out in a water tank . Experimental results show that the beam-space MUSIC algorithm has high resolution ability and can bear preferably with array modeling errors .
A high density MDF cabinet with walls of varying thickness is heavily damped with bitumen and lined with anechoic grade foam .
Simulation of Multi-channel Active Noise Control Based on Dynamic Neural Network
AANC is accomplished by adaptive secondary source of the active noise control .
In recent decades , active noise control ( ANC ) has become a hot research subject in noise control field .
The experimental study is based on LMS and the experimental data showed that major phase difference existing between the two acoustic sources would affect noise reduction seriously .
At last , the acoustic calculation modules based on transmission matrix has developed using VC + + and Matlab . A well-designed exhaust muffler will not only have good acoustic performance , but also have good mechanical performance .
An Intermittent RLS ( IRLS ) Algorithm for Improving Adaptive Active Acoustic Wideband Noise Control
The most commonly used algorithm for adaptive active noise control ( AANC ) is filtered - X LMS ( FLMS ) algorithm which is not suitable for active control of wideband noise because of its slow convergence rate .
From the calculation . the authors design the main engine 's muffler and the starter 's exhaust muffler of J-50 tractor .
Will use a one-dimensional fluid dynamics software GT-Power muffler preliminary design complete its basic muffler unit and its structure and properties of numerical analysis and simulation .
In this paper , the measurement of sound transmission loss ( TL ) is carried out with " reverberant chamber-receiving box approach " for elastic - viscoelastic laminated damping panels ( EVLDP ) with varying geometric and physical parameters .
Two kinds of design show more noise reduced below 1000 Hz , one is the air-in filter with only one expand chamber , and the other is with the Helmholtz resonator .
The technology principle , construction and design calculation of resistance noise reduction for HD651 big power local ventilation fan developed recently are discussed in this paper .
Then the accuracy of the conclusion is verified . Firstly , the GT-Power software is used to calculate the transmission loss of several main kinds of mufflers by changing the parameters of their structures . Then the factors of increasing low frequency noise deadening capacity are identified .
The noise of 4110Q diesel engine and its oil pan , flywheel cover , oil pump , valve chamber has been studied by the analysis system of B & K3560 in the normal Semi-anechoic chamber .
With the treatment of acoustic measures of noise elimination and sound insulation , the reducing of noise level at enter port and operating point exceeds 33dB ( A ) and 10 dB ( A ) respectively , this comes to the desired results .
The effective absorption ranges from 50 Hz to 500 Hz . And the optimum index of absorption is about 50 dB to single-frequency noise , 18 dB to 1 / 3 oct band noise and 10 dB to 1 oct band noise .
Among these , muffler type 3 # was found to be optimal through performance test . Its muffled amount was 23.5dB ( A ), which was 7.5dB ( A ) higher than the original one and met the design requirements .