
xiāo cí qì
  • demagnetizer;degausser;magnetic eraser;eraser head
  1. 如果我找到消磁器应该能把内容清除掉

    I could erase it if I dig up my degausser .

  2. 我很抱歉消磁器没起作用

    I 'm sorry . The degausser didn 't work . It 's a relic .

  3. 彩电消磁器PTCR耐电性能与显微结构

    Microstructure and Property of the Withstand Voltage for Color TV Degausser PTCR

  4. 手动消磁器符合美国国防部的消磁要求。

    The manual unit complies with National Security Agency and Department of Defense degaussing requirements .

  5. 内置的手摇曲柄允许消磁器在电力无法供应时手动操作。

    It also features a built-in hand crank that allows for manual operation when power is unavailable .

  6. 这款采用永久,稀土磁材料制成的消磁器能清除所有数据和定时信息。

    An array of permanent , rare-earth magnets enables the unit to completely erase data and timing information .

  7. 日本电磁测器公司是制造和销售磁气探伤器,充磁器,消磁器,磁气测量器等磁气应用技术厂商。

    Niho Denji Sokki is specialty maker of magnetic application technology that manufacturers and markets magnetic particle flaw equipment .

  8. 这款采用永久,高能,稀土磁材料制成的消磁器能清除所有数据,也能清除以40秒为周期的不断重复的定时信息。

    An array of permanent , high-energy , rare-earth magnets enables the unit to fully erase data and timing information in one40-second cycle that can be run continuously .

  9. 基于地磁模式组的舰船消磁电流调整器

    A degaussing current regulator based on the type series of geomagnetic field