
  1. 在国家投资主体和市场经济条件下,以能源消费效益最大为目标,建立了基于边际效益均衡的能源空间配置优化模型;

    Under the condition of market economy and nation is the investment subject , in order to maximize energy-consuming benefit , we set up the energy space configuration model , which based on the equilibrium of marginal benefit ;

  2. 但是其绵延的影响,与农村土地仍在实施的集体所有制相结合,将会在接下来的几年里,在这个国家最为急切需要的消费拉动效益上拖累中国的城镇化。

    But its lingering impact , combined with the still collective ownership of rural land , will retard China 's urbanisation in the years ahead just when the country is most in need of its consumption-boosting benefits .

  3. 他们预计消费和公司效益的增长将为广告业复苏提供动力。

    They expects improved cusumer spending and corporate profits to drive the advertising recovery .

  4. 户用沼气池对农村家庭能源消费及其经济效益的影响&江苏涟水与安徽贵池对比研究

    Effect on Rural Household Energy Consumption and its Economic Benefit by Household Biogas Digesters : Comparing Between Lianshui County and Guichi County in China

  5. 结果显示,各地区、部门要获得更多的能源,就必须提高能源的使用效率,提高能源消费的边际效益,降低污染排放水平。

    The result shows : if any area or department wants to get more energy , they must to improve the utilize efficiency and the marginal benefit of energy ; reduce the pollution .

  6. 首先,以GDP为因变量建立分析模型进行能源消费结构的经济效益分析。

    First , it takes GDP as dependent variable to make a model which giving economic analysis on energy consumption structure .

  7. 如果以勒菲弗尔(Lefebvre)空间生产概念为分析工具,旅游地空间也是在发展旅游业刺激民众消费、获取经济效益等社会背景下被创造、生产出来的。

    Taken Lefebvre 's conception of the spatial production as analytic tools , the space of the destinations was also created and produced under the social background of the development of tourism , the stimulation of mass consumption and the gain of the economic profit .

  8. 企业文化消费带来的经济效益;

    Secondly , business cultural consumption will cause economical benefit .

  9. 调节城市居民的消费方式与消费结构,实施文明消费,提高消费效益,对于促进城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。

    The implementation of civilization consumption , enhance consumer benefits for the promotion of sustainable development of cities is of great significance .

  10. 消费信贷的合理定价是提高商业银行消费信贷业务经营效益和合理补偿消费信贷业务风险的重要前提,也是适应利率市场化和实现银行可持续发展的重要前提。

    Consumer credit reasonable pricing is an important premise to the increase of operating efficiency in consumption credit and reasonable compensation of consumer credit risk , also adapt the interest rate marketization and the bank to achieve the sustainable development .

  11. 本文首先对网球消费的概念进行定义,然后按满足消费者不同需求将网球消费分为实物型、观赏型、参与型和信息型四大类,并进一步阐述网球消费的特点与效益。

    Firstly , the article defines the concept of consumption of tennis ball , sorts by satisfying consumers ' various demand as four kinds , such as practical , viewable , participant and communicant consumption , and then expounds the traits and benefits of consumption of tennis ball .