
  • 网络Customer satisfaction;Consumer Satisfaction;customer satisfaction index
  1. 品牌声望对消费者满意度的影响&家用轿车行业的实证研究

    The Effects of Brand Prestige on Consumer Satisfaction Evidence from the Chinese Car Market

  2. 上海财经大学目前已经发布了2007年度和2008年度上海市消费者满意度指数。

    Shanghai University of Finance and Economics have complied and issued Shanghai Consumer Satisfaction Index of2007 and2008 which is of extensive concern .

  3. 基于消费者满意度(CS)评价法的台州市商品住宅估价研究

    A Research to Valuation of Taizhou City 's Commercial Residence Based on Consume Satisfaction ( CS ) Evaluation Method

  4. 分析了企业形象识别系统(CIS)在现代工业设计中的价值,导入消费者满意度(CSI)理念并与CIS有机结合形成更具实效性的CIS理念与方法,以适应现代市场经济的需求。

    The paper analyzes the valve of the corporation identity system ( CIS ); combining customers'satisfaction index ( CSI ) with CIS make the idea and method of CIS even more modern and effective in order to meet the demand for modern market economy .

  5. 从铁路旅客运输的特点和消费者满意度的主观特性出发,分析了影响铁路旅客满意度的主要因素。

    In this paper , customer satisfaction of railway transportation product is analyzed .

  6. 果汁饮料市场消费者满意度测评研究

    The Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Degree on Juice Market

  7. 其评价模型有顾客满意度模型和体验营销消费者满意度模型。

    The assessment models include customer satisfaction models and experience marketing customer satisfaction models .

  8. 基于消费者满意度理念的企业形象识别系统

    Corporation Identity System Based on Customer Satisfaction Index

  9. 第二,要提高高等教育消费者满意度。

    Secondly , the degree of satisfaction of higher educated consumer should be enhanced .

  10. 影响护理服务消费者满意度的因素分析

    Analyzing the Factors Which Influence Nursing Service Customers ' Satisfaction Level to Nursing Service

  11. 消费者满意度测量中的光环效应

    The Halo Effect in Customer Satisfaction Measurement

  12. 消费者满意度分析及评价

    Analysis and appraisal of consumers ' satisfaction

  13. 周五将公布进口价格及密歇根消费者满意度指数。

    Friday rounds out the week with import prices and the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index .

  14. 苹果在2012年美国消费者满意度指数调查中继续稳居第一,在100分制中获得了86分。

    Apple remained on the top of the satisfaction list in 2012 , ranking 86 out of 100 .

  15. 总结出双方的关键关注指标&成长性指标、赢利性指标和消费者满意度指标。

    Summarizes the key indicators , both parties concerned growth index , non-profit index and customer satisfaction index .

  16. 中国农村零售业态的成长性评价&基于辽宁农村消费者满意度视角的研究

    Growth Evaluation of Different Formats of Rural Retailers : A Study Based on Rural Consumers ' Satisfaction in Liaoning Province

  17. 服务便利是服务营销领域的重要课题,也是影响消费者满意度的重要因素。

    Service Convenience is an important subject in service marketing area and also a main factor that influences consumers ′ satisfaction .

  18. 体验营销是新的时代企业重新塑造差异,赢得消费者满意度和忠诚度的武器。

    Experience marketing is the new weapon for each corporation to build their differences and win satisfaction and loyalty from consumers .

  19. 随着这部分个人电脑市场的增长,个人电脑行业的整体消费者满意度获得了提升。

    As that segment of the computing market has grown overall customer satisfaction with the PC industry as a whole has picked up .

  20. 与传统的消费模式不同的是,网络消费者满意度较低,影响网络消费者购买决策的影响因素也有别与传统模式。

    Traditional consumption patterns , the network consumer satisfaction , affect online consumers purchasing decisions influencing factors are different from the traditional model .

  21. 很多公司极力追逐利益,甚至新进员工都清楚公司只是为了挣钱而不是提高消费者满意度。

    How many companies pursue revenue opportunities that any new recruit knows the company is doing to make money rather than delight customers .

  22. 消费者满意度和品牌忠诚也是显著的正相关,品牌认同和品牌忠诚,消费者满意度,品牌关系之间也是显著正相关。

    Apart from that , there is a positive significant relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty , brand loyalty and brand identity .

  23. 美国消费者满意度指数的研究提供额外的实践证据来支持客户忠诚度的积极反应是客户满意度的主要结果。

    Research in the American Customer Satisfaction Index provides additional empirical support for positive customer loyalty responses as the major consequence of customer satisfaction .

  24. 在当代,消费者满意度已经成为衡量产品品质与内涵的一项重要指标。

    Contemporary , the research of the customer satisfaction index has become one of the most important measures of quality and connotation of products .

  25. 当产品基本功能因素达到某一程度后,功能因素的加强对于消费者满意度的增加极不显著。

    When the basic functions of a product achieve certain level , the enhance of the function will have less influence on the satisfactory of the customers .

  26. 再次结合消费者满意度调查,提出了品牌策略、购物环境、营销管理、营运管理四方面的发展战略实施。

    Thirdly combined with consumer satisfaction survey , it puts forward brand strategy , shopping environment , marketing management , operation management , these four sorts of development strategy implementation .

  27. 这时候,如果电子商务企业能提高便捷的退货服务,消费者满意度会有显著提升,进而会刺激更大的潜在需求。

    At this time , if e-commerce companies can improve the convenience of the return service , customer satisfaction will be significantly improved , thus will stimulate a greater potential demand .

  28. 第六章讨论了这一营销策略在具体实施过程中的目标管理模式,从消费者满意度、运作模式、财务三个方面对该营销策略的实施进行监督与控制,并介绍了广州个案的营销成效。

    In the chapter 6 , author discusses the MBO mode in the execution of the marketing strategy , evaluate and control in the fields of consumer satisfaction , finance and the operation .

  29. 第六章是对城市营销运作流程的第三阶段城市营销的售后服务进行分析,设计了城市产品的体系,并介绍了评价消费者满意度的方法多层次模糊综合评判法;

    The sixth chapter analyzes the third stage ― after-sale service of city marketing . It designs the system of city product , and introduces evaluation method of consumer satisfaction ― vague comprehensive marking method .

  30. 21世纪人类进入体验经济时代下,以消费者满意度为导向的体验设计,必将成为今后产品设计的主流方向。

    Under entering and experiencing the economic new economic condition in the 21st century , lead the new experience to design from customer satisfaction , will become the major direction of product design in the future .