
  1. 基于DEM的涑水河流域地表水文特征模拟与分析

    The Simulation and Analysis of Land Surface Hydrological Characteristics Based On The DEM in Sushui River Drainage Area

  2. 1368-1911年涑水河流域洪涝灾害研究

    Study on flood disasters of the Su River Basin in the 1368-1911

  3. 流域环境问题同样值得关注,明清以来涑水河流域出现环境变化。

    The environment problems in that Basin is worthy of attention and its environment has changed form Ming and Qing dynasties to now .

  4. 文中分析了涑水河流域的降水特征,对影响降雨的重要因素进行论证,对雨量站网优化布设以及防洪减灾等都有一定的参考价值。

    The characteristics of precipitation of Sushui River-basin has been analyzed in this paper , it is significant for the flood control plan .

  5. 殷墟时期,涑水河流域的运城盆地几乎没有发现商文化遗存。

    But at the same time , in the Yuncheng Basin of Sushui River we have discovered almost no any more Shang cultural relics .