
  • 网络Laiyuan County
  1. 涞源县抗日小英雄王二小的献身故事已广为流传;

    Laiyuan County small anti-Japanese hero Wang dedication small story has already been ;

  2. 而在国家的几次贫困县名单调整中,涞源县均无出其右。

    In several countries and impoverished county list of adjustment , Laiyuan county have no equal .

  3. 正是看到了涞源县脱贫的种种制约因素,本文有针对性的给出了涞源县走出贫困的路径选择。

    It is to see the Laiyuan county takes off deficient constraints , this paper gives Laiyuan County out of poverty and path selection .

  4. 调查结果无不显示,涞源县要想实现河北省制定的扶贫计划任重而道远。

    Results all show that , Laiyuan County , want to realize Hebei province to develop the plan that help deficient up is a long way to go .

  5. 涞源县植被属华北植物区系,现有植被大部分为灌草丛,其次是天然次生林和人工林,森林覆盖率为18.24%。

    Vegetation is Laiyuan County of North China flora , the majority of existing vegetation for irrigation in the bushes , followed by natural secondary forest and plantation , forest coverage is18.24 % .
