
wō guǎn
  • scroll;vortex tube
涡管 [wō guǎn]
  • (1) [vortex tube]∶通过某一小的闭合曲线的所有涡线组成的管状面

  • (2) [scroll]∶一种具有收敛嘴的螺旋形出水道的喷射式涡轮壳体

涡管[wō guǎn]
  1. 本文在实验和理论分析的基础上,得到了涡管排沙的计算公式,即耗水率W、开口宽度b及排沙率E的表达式。

    On the basis of theoretic analysis and flume experiments , the excluding expresions , including the expresions of extraction ratio , the width of the opening of vortex tube and excluding rate , have been obtained .

  2. 涡管螺旋流排沙技术及其应用

    Sediment escaping technique by vortex tube spiral flow and its application

  3. 涡管排砂箱型沉砂池的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Turbellarian Pipe Drainage Sandbox Mould Grit Chamber

  4. 匀动螺旋单涡管诱导压力场的解析解

    Analytical solution of the pressure field induced by uniformly moving helical vortex tube

  5. 涡管排沙研究进展

    Developments in the Study of Vortex Tube Sediment Extractors

  6. 涡管排沙技术研究的发展与前瞻

    Progress in Research of the Technique of Sediment Trapping by Vortex Vortex Tube

  7. 引水式电站泥沙的分级处理与涡管排沙式沉沙池

    Sediment treatment by grade and vortex tube settling basin for water diversion power plant

  8. 流向涡管存在拉伸和变形。

    Longitudinal vortices have stretch and deformation .

  9. 悬移质涡管排沙分析

    Analysis of Suspended Load Discharge through Scroll

  10. 根据涡管定义,穿过涡管管壁的涡量为零。

    The flux through the wall of the vortex tube is zero by its definition .

  11. 水电站引水渠道上的涡管排沙工程

    On the Spiral Pipe Sediment Release Work in the Water Diversion Canal of a Hydro-Power Station

  12. 涡管排沙主要用来排除渠道底部推移质泥沙;

    The vortex tube sand exclusion was used to breed out the traction load that mains exist in the bottom of channel .

  13. 在各种分离器、旋流器、搅拌器、涡管及管道系统中也常见到螺旋流。

    Swirling flow is a general phenomenon in all kinds of separators , cyclones , agitators , vortex pipes and many piping systems .

  14. 假设相对速度场定常且具有螺旋对称性,并利用已获得的涡管诱导相对速度场和相对坐标系下动量方程求其诱导压力场。

    The analytical solutions of the pressure field was obtained on the assumption that relative velocity field induced was time independent and helically symmetrical .

  15. 针对回水负压问题,介绍了设置中间水箱、控制回水为非涡管流的措施及有关计算方法。

    As to the problem of negative pressure of backwater , setting the middle water boxes and controlling the backwater are introduced , so the relative computation .

  16. 结果显示:涡管流函数是时间的周期函数,并被表征为一系列在涡核内均匀分布螺旋涡丝流函数的叠加。

    The result showed that the stream function of vortex tube was expressed as the superposition of the stream functions of vortex filament within the vortex core .

  17. 涡管排沙可解决渠道引水的泥沙问题或排除水库泥沙,成本低,效率高。

    Vortex tube sediment extractors could be a powerful device to deal with sedimentation problems in diversion channels and extract reservoir sediment at a low cost and high efficiency .

  18. 进入涡管槽口的挟沙水流会形成强有力的螺旋流沿涡管流动,能有效地排除底部推移质泥沙。

    The flow with sediment trapped by the slit of the vortex tube can form vortex inside the tube and exclude efficiently the coarse sediment near the bed layer in front of the tube .

  19. 根据研究及设计实践,提出涡管工程位置、平面布置、主要尺寸确定的方法,和水力计算的方法步骤,并附有相应的计算实例。

    Methods of determining the location , plane layout and dimensions of the vortex tube , and methods of the hydraulic computations of the vortex tube are also presented , appending an exemple of actual engineering .

  20. 目前螺旋流在水利上用来进行排沙减淤,主要有以下三种方式:涡管排沙,漏斗排沙和平轴螺旋管流排沙。

    Now , There are three kinds of means in the application of sand exclusion by spiral flow , the vortex tube sand exclusion , the sand funnel and the spiral flow in the horizontal pipe .

  21. 通过对涡管排推移质泥沙机理的分析及试验研究,提出涡管排沙的三个参数:涡管分流比、截沙率及挟沙能力。

    Based on studies on the mechanism of sediment trapping by the vortex tube and flume and model experiments , three parameters are proposed : the diversion ratio , the trapping efficiency and the sediment carrying capacity of the vortex tube .

  22. 作者利用此原理进行了水电站引水渠道上的涡管排沙设计,实践证明,该方法简单可行,排沙率高,造价低廉,有推广价值。

    The principle is used by author for design the spiral pipe sediment release work in the water diversion canal of a hydro-power station . The practice has proved that the measure is simple and feasible , high rate of sediment release , low cost and worth to spread .

  23. 多纵向涡对管内湍流换热特性影响的数值分析

    Numerical analysis on the characteristic of turbulent heat transfer with multi-longitudinal vortexes in tube

  24. 提出了采用多纵向涡强化管内对流换热的场协同强化方法,并进行了数值分析。

    Consequently , a field coordinated enhancement method by longitudinal vortex flow for convective heat transfer enhancement in tubes is presented .

  25. 横向管间距对涡强化扁管管片局部传热的影响

    Tube pitch effect on heat transfer local characteristics of flat tube bank fin mounted with vortex generators

  26. 涡强化扁管管片散热器传热特性及场协同原理分析

    Numerical simulation on heat transfer performance of the fin-and-flat tube bank heat exchanger with vortex generators and analysis with field synergy principle

  27. 涡强化扁管管片散热器通过涡产生器形成的涡来增强流体在横断面上的二次流及其扰动,从而强化了换热。

    A numerical study of interactions of vortices generated by VGs and the effects of such interactions on heat transfer enhancement of flat tube bank fin are carried out .

  28. 涡激振动下管桥段的模糊动力可靠性研究

    Research on fuzzy dynamic reliability of pipeline bridge under vortex-induced vibration

  29. 纵向涡发生器强化传热管的实验研究

    Experimental study on enhanced heat transfer inside tube with longitudinal vortex generator

  30. 涡产生器强化圆管管片式换热器传热数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer for Round Fin-tube Heat Exchanger Augmented by Vortex Generator