
  • 网络Turbine Flowmeter;turbine flow meter;LWQ;LWGY
  1. 认为可以用Re(c1)的值作为判别涡轮流量计特性曲线优劣的准则数,对仪表结构参数进行优化设计,以扩大仪表的量程比。

    It can be used to judge the characteristic curves of the turbine flowmeter and choose the optimum design parameters of turbine flowmeter s to increase the ratio of measurement range .

  2. 涡轮流量计在脉动流中的特性研究ADCP与转子式流速仪在潮汐河段脉动性分析比较

    A Study for the Performance of the Turbine Flowmeter under the Pulsation Comparative Analysis on Pulsation Properties of Rotating Element Current Meters and ADCP in Tidal Reaches Flow Measurement

  3. 文中还提出了关于涡轮流量计临界雷诺数Re(c1)的新概念。

    A new concept about the critical Reynolds number of turbine flowmeters is also proposed in this paper .

  4. 文中提出利用涡街流量计和涡轮流量计的响应函数来控制气液分离,其控制算法是基于BP网络改进的PID控制算法。

    The responsion functions of the eddy street flowmeter and the turbine control the separation of the gas-liquid , it 's arithmetic was based on BP neural network improved PID control .

  5. 通过在现场进行标定:干度用化验Cl-法进行标定,流量用锅炉入口的涡轮流量计标定。

    After on site calibration : to calibrate mass dryness fraction by assaying Cl - , to calibrate flow rate by turbine flow meter at the entry of the boiler .

  6. 评涡轮流量计Thompson-Grey的理论模型

    Criticisms on Thompson-Grey model of the turbine flowmeter

  7. 以Elster流量计算机为例,介绍了涡轮流量计与流量计算机为主构成的天然气计量系统在西气东输工程中的应用以及使用情况。

    With Elster flow computer as example , the natural gas metering system composed of turbine flow meter and flow computer and its application in West-East Gas Line project are introduced .

  8. 能自动匹配测速发电机、电磁式测速传感器和电磁涡轮流量计,适应电压峰峰值从1伏以下至300多伏、频率从1Hz以下至2500Hz以上的被测信号。

    It can automatically match rotational speed generator , electromagnetic rotational speed sensor and electromagnetic turbine flowmeter . Moreover it can adapted measured signal that is 1V ~ 300V voltage and 1Hz ~ 2500Hz frequency .

  9. 抽油机井集流式涡轮流量计录井取值讨论

    A Log Valuation of Packer Type Flowmeter in Oil Pumping Wells

  10. 脉动流对涡轮流量计测量误差的影响

    The Influence of Pulsating Flow on Measuring Error of Turbine Flowmeter

  11. 涡轮流量计在多相流动中的响应方程

    Response Equation for Spinner Flowmeter in Multiphase Flow and its Application

  12. 气体涡轮流量计使用中两个重要问题的解答

    Solutions for Two Important Questions in Usage of Gas Turbine Flowmeters

  13. 基于电涡流检测原理的切向涡轮流量计的研究

    Research on Tangential Turbine Flowmeter Based on Eddy Current Detection Principle

  14. 无轴承涡轮流量计太阳能对流型集热管

    Bearingless Turbine Type Flow Meter Convective tube for solar energy

  15. 多相流测量中涡轮流量计的影响因子分析

    Analysis on influence factor of the turbine flowmeter in multiphase flow measurement

  16. 粘性流体对涡轮流量计仪表系数影响的实验研究

    Experiment studying on turbine flowmeters factor with different viscous liquids

  17. 应用双光纤传感器的涡轮流量计结构、特性及试验研究

    The Turbine Flowmeter Construction and Performance for the Double Optical Fiber Sensors

  18. 提高涡轮流量计对水泵流量测量精度的研究

    Study on Improvement of Measurement Accuracy of Turbo flowmeter in Pump Test

  19. 从而导出了全新的涡轮流量计的数学模型。

    Then anew mathematical model of turbine flowmeter is derived .

  20. 高压涡轮流量计故障排除方法

    A Method for Eliminating the Trouble of High-Pressure Turbine Flowmeter

  21. 涡轮流量计的原理、应用及其测井曲线的解释

    Principle of Turbine Flowmeter and Its Application in Interpretation of Log Curve

  22. 涡轮流量计数学模型与优化设计

    The Mathematical Model of Turbine Flowmeters and Optimisation of Parameters

  23. 基于涡轮流量计的流量标定控制系统的研究

    Research of Flow Calibrating Control System Based on Turbine Flowmeter

  24. 用涡轮流量计测量多相流流量

    Flow Rate Measurement in Multiphase Flow Using Turbine Flow-meter

  25. 涡轮流量计在正弦脉动气体流下的测量误差

    Measurement Errors of Turbine Flowmeter Under Pulsating Gas Flow

  26. 气体涡轮流量计中动压气体轴承的研究

    Research of Gas Hydrodynamic Bearing in Gas Turbine Meters

  27. 涡轮流量计动态特性分析

    Analysis of Transient Response Characteristics of the Turbine Flowmeter

  28. 涡轮流量计校准不确定度的评定

    Bearingless Turbine Type Flow Meter The evaluation for uncertainty of turbine meter calibration

  29. 流体粘度对涡轮流量计性能影响的研究

    A Study of The Effects of Fluid Viscosity on the Turbine Flowmeter Performance

  30. 采用螺旋槽气体轴承,设计了一种气体涡轮流量计。

    A gas turbine meter was designed based on the gas-lubrication spiral grooved bearing .