• astringent;unsmooth;puckery;hard-going
  • 不光滑,不滑溜:轮轴发~。

  • 一种使舌头感到不滑润不好受的滋味:苦~。这个柿子很~。

  • 文字难读难懂,不流畅:晦~。生~。~讷。


(使舌头感到麻木干燥的味道) puckery; astringent:

  • 这柿子涩。

    The persimmon tastes puckery.


(不滑润) unsmooth; hard-going:

  • 轮轴发涩, 该上油了。

    The axle doesn't work smoothly. It needs oiling.


(不流畅; 难读; 难懂) obscure; difficult:

  • 文句艰涩

    make difficult reading;

  • 诗中晦涩难读的语言

    obscure language in a poem

  1. 这柿子涩。

    The persimmon tastes puckery .

  2. 我感觉眼睛又涩又痒。

    My eyes are puckery and itchy .

  3. 这种水果又酸又涩。

    The fruit has a tart and astringent flavour .

  4. 轮轴发涩,该上油了。

    The axle doesn 't work smoothly . It needs oiling .

  5. 微分器卡涩对汽轮机正常运行有较大的危害。

    The jam fault of the differentiator is dangerous to steam turbine .

  6. 绿柿子非常涩。

    Green persimmons are strongly astringent .

  7. 模糊聚类分析表明C和I为测定杉木涩籽分布型的典型指标。

    Fuzzy clustering showed that the representive indices were I and C for testing the distribution pattern .

  8. 用软X射线摄影技术和切开法研究杉木3种类型种子(空粒、正常种粒和涩粒)内部构造。

    His paper studies seed types of chinese fir by x ray radiograph and cut test .

  9. 试验以新鲜涩柿果为原料,采用CO2脱涩法对柿子进行脱涩,研究了温度和CO2浓度对柿果的涩度、硬度、可溶性固形物含量的影响。

    The effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on the acerbity , texture , color and soluble component in persimmon were studied .

  10. 本文报导杉木种子涩籽胚败育过程中过氧化物酶同工酶活性及脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。

    This paper deals with the changes of peroxidase isozymes activity and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content in aborted seed of Chinese-fir .

  11. DEH系统调速汽门卡涩故障分析及对策

    Analysis of governor valve jam fault in DEH system and countermeasures

  12. 这些酒口感各异,既有俄勒冈州酒厂TeutonicWineCompany酿制的那种轻盈、散发果香的半干西万尼,也有一些比较紧涩的上阿迪杰产西万尼。

    The wines ranged from a light and fruity , off-dry Silvaner by the Teutonic Wine Company in Oregon to some more austere Sylvaners from Alto Adige .

  13. 复相关系数F检验表明观察F值大于1%F值,这两个模型皆可用于预报涩、瘪籽流行率。

    F-test for the multiple correlation coefficients indicated that the observed F values were larger than the 1 % F value . So both models were used as forecasting the epidemic rates .

  14. 结论:收涩中药对H22肿瘤血道转移有一定的抑制作用。

    Conclusion : astringent therapy herbs has an inhibitory effect on the metastasis of H22 tumor .

  15. 300MW汽轮机DEH电液转换器卡涩故障研究

    Study of jam fault of electronic-hydraulic servo valve based on flutter signal in 300 MW steam turbine

  16. 自动焊技术在涩宁兰输气管道X70钢试验段上的应用

    Application of Automatic Welding Technology in Pipeline Engineering

  17. 300MW汽轮机高压主汽门卡涩原因及其处理

    Cause and treatment of HP main stop valve jam on a 300 MW steam turbine

  18. 温下法和温涩法对UC大鼠结肠MIP-1α含量的影响比较

    Comparison Between the Effects of TCM Warm-purgative Therapy and Warm-astringing Therapy on the Level of MIP-1 α in the Ulcerous Colon of the Rats

  19. 动圈式电液转换器易卡涩滞后是DEH系统产生故障的主要原因。

    Moving coal type electrohydraulic converter being liable to be retarded , is the main cause for the occurrence of fault of DEH system .

  20. 目的:探讨温下法与温涩法在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)损伤修复方面的不同作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the different mechanisms of action of warm and purgation method and warm and unsmooth method in promoting the repair of immunological injury of ulcerative colitis ( UC ) .

  21. 200MW机组调节系统卡涩原因分析及改造

    Reason Analysis and Retrofit on Regulating System 's Seizing Up in 200 MW Unit

  22. 本文通过L9(3~4)正交实验,找到浸泡富硒玉米的最佳工艺参数组合。并在实验室利用本工艺制备出粒度细、色泽白、气味中性、无苦无涩的富硒玉米特制粉。

    In this paper , the optimum parameter combinations of technology in soaking maize rich in Se were gained through L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experiments .

  23. 连州发电厂125MW机组高压调节汽门卡涩原因分析及处理对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of block in HP governor valve of 125 MW unit

  24. 雁庄(chteaubrent)味道可能要涩一些,不过上等葡萄酒和原油之间的共同之处可能比你想象的大。

    Ch teau Brent may taste a tad rough , yet fine wine and crude oil have more in common than you might think .

  25. 分析了太原一电厂300MW机组高压旁路系统伺服阀卡涩的原因,提出改进措施。

    It analysed the factors that cause the servo valve moving backward in the HP bypass system of 300 MW unit . Improving measures are proposed .

  26. 结论:温下法与温涩法能够增加UC患者体内EGF的含量,进而可能通过EGF对黏膜屏障的保护作用促进黏膜损伤的修复。

    Conclusion : Both the warm and purgation method and the warm and unsmooth method can increase EGF expression of UC patients , and promote repair of the injured mucous membrane by protection of EGF to mucous membrane of intestinal tract .

  27. 结论:温脾汤能更好地促进EGF含量的增加,即温下法比温涩法能更好地通过肠黏膜保护作用机制,减轻UC黏膜的损伤和炎症。

    Conclusion : Wen Pi Decoction improve content of EGF in contrast of Zhenren Yang Zang Decoction , so the method of warming purgation relieve damage and inflammation of UC by protecting intestinal mucosa more than the method of warming antidiarrheal .

  28. 挂闸电磁阀卡涩对220MW汽轮机组运行安全影响的分析和防范措施

    Analysis and solutions against the impact of electromagnetic valve sticking on operation of 220 MW steam turbine unit

  29. 描述了某600MW机组中压主汽门的卡涩现象,对各种原因进行了分析,并采取了切实有效的处理方案。

    The paper describes some jamming phenomena at intermediate pressure main stop valve on a600MW steam turbine , reasons are analyzed and some effective methods are carried out .

  30. 发酵初乳较普通酸奶颜色微黄、微涩、有腥味,凝乳时间比普通酸奶多出2.5h左右。

    Compared with the common yogurt , the fermented bovine colostrums had yellow color , acerbity and smell ; the clotting time was more 2.5h than that of the common yogurt .