
  • 网络surface tension of liquid
  1. 用MonteCarlo方法计算液体的表面张力

    Calculation of surface tension of liquids by Monte Carlo method

  2. 用AFMⅡ型原子力显微镜测得微透镜阵列的表面粗糙度Ra约等于0.9nm,并通过液体的表面张力理论分析了微透镜的形成机理。

    The surface roughness of microlens is measured by an atomic force microscope ( AFM - ⅱ) . Micro-lens forming mechanics has been analyzed by surface tension theory .

  3. 激光衍射法测量液体的表面张力及界面张力

    Measurement of the Liquid Surface and Interfacial Tensions by Light Diffraction

  4. 用分析天平测液体的表面张力系数

    Measuring liquid surface tension coefficient with analytical balance

  5. 表面张力的简单模型及用蒸发焓推算纯液体的表面张力

    Simple Model of Surface Tension and Estimation of Surface Tension with Heat of Vaporation

  6. 用涟波干涉法测液体的表面张力系数

    The Measurement of the Coefficient of Surface Tension with the Method of Ripples Interference

  7. 金属圆筒片测液体的表面张力系数

    Measuring surface tension coefficient using metallic cylinder

  8. 能减少溶解它的液体的表面张力的物。

    A substance capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved .

  9. 如润湿液体的表面张力很低,接触角θ的精确测量则不难。

    If the wetting liquid has very low surface tension , the precise measurement of θ is not critical .

  10. 对液体的表面张力和比表面自由能进行了热力学分析和比较,探讨了液体的表面张力和比表面自由能两个概念的各自内涵和在分子水平上的产生机理。

    This paper analyzes the surface tension and specific surface free energy of liquid and discusses their microstructure mechanism .

  11. 脱拉法测定液体的表面张力系数是普通物理实验基本题目之一。

    Determining Liquid Tension Coefficient by Pulling and Separating Method is one of basic subjects in general Physics experiment .

  12. 成型工艺参数包括成型料浆中玻璃纤维的添加量、液体的表面张力、料浆温度和成型压力。

    The forming parameters include fiber content in the forming slurry , surface tension and temperature of the slurry , and the forming pressure .

  13. 液滴的内外压差与固液接触角无关,只取决于液体的表面张力和液滴半径;

    Such a pressure difference depends only on the surface tension of the liquid and the radius of the drop but is independent of the liquid solid contact angle .

  14. 液体的表面张力,在工业上的浮选技术和液体输送技术;在教学中的流体力学等都要对它进行研究。

    The tension of liquid surface is studied in several industrial areas , such as flotation technology and liquid technology , and in the teaching of hydromechanics and other subjects .

  15. 从微观结构分析可以得出液体的表面张力是液体表面空穴作用的结果,比表面自由能是液体分子间作用力作功的结果,两者都与液体分子间的作用力有关。

    The surface tension results from the liquid surface hole and the specific free energy is attributed to the work of molecular interaction force . So both of them have something to do with the molecular interaction force .

  16. 二元非电解质液体混合物的表面张力与摩尔分数的关联式

    The Relationship between the Surface Tension of Binary Non-electrolyte Liquid Mixtures and the Mole Fraction

  17. 但是离子液体的黏度和表面张力都较大的特性限制了其电化学应用。

    However , the high viscosity and surface tension restrict its applications in electrochemistry .

  18. 当液体混合物的平均表面张力较小时,也有利于形成较小较稳定的汽泡,从而有利于传质。

    Smaller surface tension of liquid mixtures is also beneficial to form smaller vapor bubbles .

  19. 物理因素主要是通过降低液体的粘度和表面张力,增大压强差,改善颗粒的堆积形式而强化过滤过程的。

    Physical factors intensify the filtering process mainly by reducing the viscosity and surfact tension of liquid , increasing pressure difference and improving the accumulation form of mineral particles .

  20. 本文从统计热力学模型和表面热力学理论出发,导出了局部组成表达式,结合绝对反应速率理论,建立了一个液体混合物新的表面张力方程。

    Based on the model of statistical thermodynamics and the theory of surface thermodynamics , the equation of local composition is given . Combining it with the reaction rate theory , a new equation of surface tension is given .

  21. 空化是液压传动中的一种常见现象,它的发生主要取决于液体的温度和压力,还受到液体的表面张力及抗张强度影响,空化的初生、发展和溃灭是空化的三个重要阶段。

    Cavitation often appears in hydraulic pressure system . The influence of liquid temperature and pressure and surface tension and tensile strength is obvious . Bubble inception and grow and collapse is a particularly important process .