
lín bā xì bāo
  • lymphocyte;lymph-;leukomonocyte
淋巴细胞[lín bā xì bāo]
  1. 新近研究发现,非神经组织细胞如淋巴细胞、内皮细胞也能合成CGRP,通过自分泌或旁分泌而发挥作用。

    There is growing reports to show that , in addition to DRG , many of other type of cells such as leukomonocyte and endothelial cells are also able to synthesize CGRP , which exerts multiple functions through autocrine or paracrine secretion .

  2. 肝肾不足型绝经后骨质疏松症患者的骨密度值显著提高,患者T淋巴细胞亚群CD3,CD4水平、CD4/CD8比值以及血清免疫学IgG,IgM水平明显提高。

    The bone density in patients with PMO of liver and kidney deficiency was significantly increased , and the levels of T leukomonocyte subgroup CD3 , CD4 , the ratio of CD4 / CD8 and levels of serum immune IgG , IgM were greatly enhanced in patients .

  3. 脊髓血管增粗;脊髓血管周围可见淋巴细胞浸润,形成一层套膜(苏木精-伊红染色,原始放大倍数X250倍)

    Thickening and perivascular lymphocytic cuffing of cord blood vessels . H and E X250 .

  4. 鸡包涵体肝炎中脾脏B淋巴细胞变化规律的研究

    Study on regulation of B lymphocytes of IBH in spleen

  5. P物质对人T和B淋巴细胞增殖的影响

    Observation of the Effect of Substance P on Human T and B Lymphocyte Proliferation

  6. 牛磺酸对丝裂霉素C诱发人淋巴细胞遗传损伤的保护作用

    The protective effect of taurine on genetic damage in human lymphocytes induced by mitomycin C

  7. 初治与复发B细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病患者白血病相关免疫表型的比较

    Comparison of the immunophenotype of patients with B lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia at diagnosis and relapse

  8. 影响小鼠淋巴细胞E玫瑰花形成因素的探讨

    A Survey of Influencing Factors on the Mouse Lymphocytes E Rosette Formation

  9. 麻风患者外周血T、B淋巴细胞和血清免疫球蛋白含量的改变

    Change in T , A Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood and Serum Levels of Immunoglobulins in Leprosy Patients

  10. 苯接触与淋巴细胞DNA损伤

    Benzene exposure and lymphocytic DNA damage

  11. 方法:采用直接荧光法,通过流式细胞仪分析人外周血T淋巴细胞亚群、B淋巴细胞数量。

    Method T and B lymphocyte were determined by immunofluorescence assay through fluorescence activated cell sorter ( FACS ) .

  12. 人类白细胞抗原G与蜕膜淋巴细胞

    Human Leucocyte Antigen G and Decidual Lympholeukocyte

  13. 高温对人外周血淋巴细胞DNA、RNA及蛋白质合成的影响

    Effect of hyperthermia on DNA , RNA and synthesis of protein in human peripheral lymphocytes

  14. 新生儿脐血淋巴细胞PLCγ1的表达和意义

    The expression and significance of PLC γ 1 in the cord blood lymphocytes of neonates

  15. 高剂量玉竹多糖能够提高脾T淋巴细胞转化SI;

    The high dose of Polygonatum Odoratum polysaccharide raised transforming SI of T lymphocyte ;

  16. T、B淋巴细胞和H/RS细胞的分布特点可作为诊断的参考指标。

    The characteristic distributions of T , B and H / RS cells may serve as a reference for the diagnosis .

  17. H2O2-Fe~(3+)所致人淋巴细胞DNA双链断裂损伤

    Double-strand Breaks of DNA Damage in Human Lymphocytes Induced by H_2O_2-Fe  ̄( 3 + ) System

  18. 慢性移植物抗宿主病时的T淋巴细胞受体Vβ基因表达

    Expression of T-cell receptor V β gene in the patients with graft vs host disease

  19. 应用单克隆抗体及ABC法检测淋巴细胞亚群

    Detection of Lymphocyte Subsets with Monoclonal Antibodies and the ABC Method

  20. 方法采集922例生殖异常患者外周静脉血,进行淋巴细胞培养,常规方法收获细胞,低渗、固定、制片、经G显带处理、镜检,进行观察研究。

    Methods : 922 reproduction abnormality patients ′ were performed by peripheral blood lymphocytes cultivating to make chromosome G-banding .

  21. 间日疟对HIV感染者/AIDS患者CD4淋巴细胞凋亡率的影响

    Impact of vivax malaria on the percentage of apoptotic CD_4 lymphocytes in subjects with HIV / AIDS

  22. 成人HIV/AIDS患者CD4~+T淋巴细胞与淋巴细胞总数的关系及其意义

    Relationship and Significance of CD ~ + _4T Cells and Total Lymphocytes in Adult HIV / AIDS Patients

  23. TB淋巴细胞功能对流行性牛白血病发生发展的影响

    The Relationship between the function of T.B Lymphocytes and the Pathogenesis of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis

  24. 马骡实验性急性放射病淋巴细胞和肝细胞DNA含量变化及与病程和病变的关系

    Relationship between the Changes of DNA Content in Lymphocytes and Liver Cells and the Disease Course and Lesion in Experimentally Radiated Horses and Mules

  25. 激发型CD40单克隆抗体联合特异性细胞毒T淋巴细胞对B细胞淋巴瘤的免疫治疗作用

    Therapeutic effect of agonistic CD40 monoclonal antibody combined with CTL on hu-SCID mouse B lymphoma model

  26. 应用碱性单细胞凝胶电泳技术(SCGE)检测镉致鸡脾淋巴细胞DNA的损伤效应

    Effects of Cadmium on DNA Damage in Chicken Splenic Lymphocytes with Alkaline SCGE

  27. He-Ne激光对离体大鼠淋巴细胞超微结构变化的影响

    Ultrastructural Changes of Rat Lymphocytes Following He Ne Laser Irradiation in Vitro

  28. Hp~+十二指肠溃疡患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群与组织学炎症及Gas,SS含量的相关性

    Relationship of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood with gastric mucosal active inflammation , Gas and SS contents in patients with duodenal ulcer

  29. 0.5~8.0cGyγ射线对静止期和丝裂原激活后的淋巴细胞双链DNA百分数无影响;

    There was no effect of low dose r-rays ( 0 . 5 ~ 8-0 cGy ) on DNA strand breaks of quiescent and mitogen-induced lymphocytes .

  30. T细胞接种对环磷酰胺诱导的NOD鼠淋巴细胞亚群的影响

    Effects of T cell vaccination on cyclophosphamide induced diabetes in NOD mice