
  • 网络Deep foundation pit;deep excavation
  1. 50年代科学家给出了分析深基坑底板隆起的方法。

    In 1950 , s , the method to analyze upheave of deep excavation was given .

  2. 基于matlab的深基坑优化设计理论与应用研究

    Optimization Design of Deep Excavation and Its Application Base on MATLAB

  3. 略论深基坑土体c、φ值的某些影响因素

    Discussion on some effect factors of deep foundation pit 's C and φ values

  4. 超大超深基坑大开挖与PHC群桩保护综合技术

    Comprehensive Construction Technology for the Ultra-large and Ultra-deep Foundation Pit Excavation and PHC Group Piles Protection

  5. ANSYS软件已成功应用于上海地铁1号线上海南站车站改建工程地下结构的深基坑开挖施工工程中。

    ANSYS software has been applied successfully in construction of deep foundation pit excavation in Shanghai South Station reconstruction project of Shanghai Metro Line No 1 .

  6. 针对深基坑工程设计中所需的各种土参数,特别是抗剪强度参数C和Φ值进行了分析,并依据不同的土体性质、排水条件和开挖条件,提出不同试验方法。

    The soil coefficients of deep foundation reinforcing engineering , especially soil shear strength index of C and φ value are analyzed , and the different testing methods are proposed according to various soil qualities , dewatering and excavating conditions .

  7. 然后,简单介绍了CSC工法并基于现场监测数据对该深基坑支护方案的合理性进行了分析;

    Secondly , the feasibility of CSC method and retaining and protection structure is analyzed , according to monitoring data in situ .

  8. 上海M8线某深基坑工程施工对周边地面沉降影响

    The influence of surroundings landscape settlement on one deep foundation pit being excavated in Shanghai M8 underground railway

  9. 用正态概率分布函数的蒙特卡洛法,计算了土坡破坏概率Pr,给出了土坡安全可靠度设计指标pr,最后以一个实际的深基坑土坡工程为例。

    Using the Monte Carlo method of normally distributed probability function , the failure probability ( Pf ) of earth slope is calculated and the reliability design criterion ( Pr ) of earth slope is given .

  10. 基于北京地区深基坑开挖的实例,对多层土加两道钢支撑一道锚杆情况做了相应的FLAC数值模拟计算及分析。

    Combined with the practical conditions in Beijing deep excavation , the instance of the multi-soil with two steel supports and one anchor was calculated and analyzed by FLAC in this article .

  11. 南锚碇基础深基坑支护采用了钻孔灌注桩排桩加多道支撑挡土,2m厚冻土薄壁隔水的新型设计和施工工艺,称为排桩冻结法。

    Filling piles and multilayer support and new design and execution technique of 2-m thick frozen soil thin wall water gushing are adopted in South Anchor Cushion Foundation Pit , namely the freezing method of row piles .

  12. 超深基坑施工在国内外已有大量地研究,但在钱塘江边含水量丰富的砂性粉质土地区施工30m深的基坑尚属首次。

    Ultra-deep foundation pit construction has been studied a lot at home and abroad , but the construction of 30m-deep pit rich of silty sand is the first time at the side of Qiantang River .

  13. 针对一般地下施工结构可靠度理论方法的不足,提出人工神经网络结合重要性抽样的MonteCarlo可靠度分析方法,并应用于一特大超深基坑的嵌岩支护结构。

    Due to the shortcomings of general reliability analysis method of underground construction structures , a new method that combines artificial neural network and importance sampling Monte Carlo method is put forward for analyzing the reliability and applied to the rock-socketed support structure of supper-sized foundation pit .

  14. 介绍冠宏花园PHC管桩加土锚在深基坑支护中的实施过程,并对基坑支护进行了水平位移及沉降与隆起监测。

    The implementation process of PHC pipe piles with soil anchors in foundation pit supporting at Guang-Hong Garden is presented in this paper , and the monitoring of horizontal movement , settlement and raising of foundation pit supporting has been taken in progress .

  15. 在有限元分析的基础上,采用多步分析方法,应用DESSⅡ系统软件实现计算机辅助设计深基坑支护体系。

    On the basic of finite element analysis and by the adoption of multi-step analysis , DESS II system is used to realize computer-aided design of deep-pit supporting system .

  16. 本文在深基坑土钉(喷锚网)支护现场试验的基础上,运用FLAC程序对该试验深基坑进行了施工过程中土钉应力分布规律,以及基坑边壁土体的变形大小和规律的分析;

    Based on the in-situ tests of soil nailing support of deep foundation , an analysis with FLAC program was carried out on the distribution of stress for soil nailing during construction , size and development of deformation for soil in side-wall of foundation pit .

  17. 提出了一种深基坑开挖弹塑性有限元分析模型以及建立在该模型基础上的WHP反演算法和预报方法。

    A kind of elastic plastic modulus of soils in the deep excavation pit is presented , and a WHP back analysis model and the displacement prediction method of retaining wall are given .

  18. 拱形支护结构在深基坑开挖中的应用

    The application of arched retaining structure in deep foundation pit excavation

  19. 预应力管桩加预应力锚索深基坑支护施工实录

    The deep foundation pit supported with prestressed pipe-piles and anchored cables

  20. 高层建筑深基坑支护法的综合运用

    Comprehensive Application of Deep Foundation Pit Support Methods of High-rise Building

  21. 南京地铁明挖法深基坑工程监测技术

    Monitoring technology of open deep excavation foundation work of Nanjing metro

  22. 深圳市某建筑深基坑支护滑塌事故剖析

    Case Analysis of Collapsed Deep Foundation Pit Supporting in Shenzhen City

  23. 深基坑工程考虑时空效应的计算方法研究

    Research on Calculation Method Considering Time-space Effect in Deep Excavation Projects

  24. 深基坑圈梁与支护桩的相互作用分析

    Interaction analysis on wale and retaining piles in deep foundation pit

  25. 地铁盾构施工对相邻深基坑开挖的实测影响分析

    Analysis of observed effect of shield tunneling on adjacent deep excavation

  26. 深基坑开挖周边土体沉降形态的模拟研究

    Simulations on settlement of surrounding ground of deep excavation on pit

  27. 软土深基坑工程开挖与支撑施工技术

    Excavation of Deep Foundation and Supporting construction Technology in Sofe Beds

  28. 希望大厦深基坑围护结构设计的优化

    Design Superior for Deep Foundation Pit Support Structure of Xiwang Hotel

  29. 深基坑开挖引起的土体变形模拟

    Simulation of soil deformation due to excavation of deep foundation pit

  30. 大型深基坑基础施工中的塔吊布置方案设计

    Tower Crane Layout Schematic Design For Large-Scale Deep Foundation Pit Construction