
  • 网络deep sky object;deep space
  1. 在视场等级增加时,你通常希望看到更黯淡的深空天体。

    As the view level increases , you will normally want to show fainter deep sky objects .

  2. 所有的深空天体都有星表编号&事实上,正向我们前面看到的那样,大部分都有许多编号!

    All deep sky objects have catalog numbers-indeed , most have'many'catalog numbers as we 've already seen !

  3. 那些最亮的深空天体还有常用“俗名”,比如“仙女座大星系”、“北美洲星云”、“闪耀星云”等等。

    Many of the brightest deep sky objects also have " popular names " by which they 're often referred to , such as " Andromeda Galaxy "," North America Nebula "," Blinking Planetary ", and so on .

  4. “深空天体”泛指太阳系以外除了恒星的任何天体,它是一个包括星系、星团、星云等等天体在内的集合名词。

    A " deep sky object " is any object outside our solar system'except'a star ; the name is a " collective term " used to refer to such things as galaxies , star clusters , nebulae , and so on .

  5. 大部分深空天体没有“常用名称”,要找到它们,必须知道至少一个星表编号&大部分都有好几个。

    Most deep sky objects don 't have a " popular name " - if we want to find them , we need to know their catalog number , or at least one of their catalog numbers , since most objects have several .